Title: catch for rookies Post by: coyote hunter on November 05, 2010, 02:10:05 pm me an sportsman met some new guys that trap not far from where we hunt they wanted to go try it with dogs so we took em not far into my dogs go 800 out an bay for a second then it was off to the races got em back a mile north of the 1st bay load em up an go back south of where they came off the hood an boom there they go again all three curs go to hammerin so we take off to em cut the catch dogs an hear the squeal we get it flipped an the newbies r goin nuts b4 we get it hobbled i hear my strike dog barkin an then my redbone then my cat lab sportsman is gone in a flash an then that pretty squeal again while we r draggin the 1st hog from 645 yrds out i check the garmin sportsman caught that 1 by the rd where the pickups were i had a lil talk with ol bones bout sendin me 600 yrds an lettin corey catch his by the rd he assured me that next time it would b sportsman 600 out an hed catch me one by the rd! the newbies thought those dogs were gods for catchin twoo in one field lil do they know that happens every time we strike a group my strike dog wont stick around once the pits r there hes huntin again and my wifes redbone is startin to do it too and believe it or not hes silent on track a good hunt an a goodtime for the new guys an more support for doggers!
Title: Re: catch for rookies Post by: DubbleRDawgs on November 05, 2010, 07:00:50 pm good hunt.. sounds like you got some jam up dogs :) looks like the rookies will want there own dogs now ;D where the pics ???
Title: Re: catch for rookies Post by: lonewolf on November 05, 2010, 07:14:48 pm Sounds like a good hunt!
Title: Re: catch for rookies Post by: sportsman on November 06, 2010, 05:23:02 am then tonite 3 more, 1st one a lil boar by himself, then on down the road slammed a good one, im hobblin n tyin next thing u know coyote hunter is recuttin a catchdog, their scramblin n chatterin then KABOOM, that second hog run me down strait thru me, put me on my ass , I am so glad it happend, the way it did,6 more inches to the right n I would be a nuetered mofo, so I pick myself up get to that hog and had to reintroduce myself to it, rather my boot to the face of that one,call me a bad sport, gottem both within 50 or so yards, so hogdoggers 3, hogs 1,,,,,,,
Title: Re: catch for rookies Post by: M Bennet on November 06, 2010, 10:37:25 am awsome time guys keep it up
Title: Re: catch for rookies Post by: sportsman on November 07, 2010, 04:17:57 am ill be dammed, that talk worked, finally went smooth rite off the road, good boar
Title: Re: catch for rookies Post by: coyote hunter on November 08, 2010, 10:05:25 am i will say on the dogs behalf that they r good good dogs but we just got this pack put together after 6 months of goin thru dog after dog an bayin hogs an never catchin em wound up with 2 of the original pack a new redbone that wrks well and a solid catchdog for me finally dunno how to post pics didnt take any that i know of at least i didnt i was too into catchin hogs like i said weve been on a bad run of bad luck
Title: Re: catch for rookies Post by: SC Hog Wild on November 08, 2010, 11:04:23 am Sounds like a great hunt!