HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Russ on November 07, 2008, 10:23:43 am

Title: I know it does not affect us....
Post by: Russ on November 07, 2008, 10:23:43 am
But on another hunting forum I'm a member of they're talking about TPWD is thinking about having a youth season during the same time as Archery (October) where children could use a rifle during this time. The bowhunters are getting pissy about it but I'd like to hear from ya'll if you think this is a good/bad deal.

Title: Re: I know it does not affect us....
Post by: Circle C on November 07, 2008, 10:58:50 am
I am not a bowhunter.
I do have two daughters that enjoy hunting, they are 8 and 10y/o

With that said,realizing I am biased,  I think anything that will help get our youth outdoors and hunting is a bonus in my book. I put our youth way above adult bow hunters, black powder, rifle, etc...   

I can still remember the first time I went deer hunting, 8 years old at our place in Carrizo Springs, that memory is still as vivid in my mind as the day it occurred.   I did not kill anything that day, but the memory has been with me for the last 22 years. 

Title: Re: I know it does not affect us....
Post by: T-Bob Parker on November 07, 2008, 11:15:25 am
I like deer hunting but jee-whiz deer season is plenty long enough already IMO. fill the woods up for another month full of kids with rifles? to each his own. plus by the time adults get in the woods the deer are already spooked and prob. going nocturnal. ahh whatevs  get out of the way, i wanna run some dogs again. then again if i had kids id be fine with that

Title: Re: I know it does not affect us....
Post by: slimpickins on November 07, 2008, 12:23:55 pm
There is already a youth only rifle season, it is the weekend before and the weekend after regular rifle deer hunting, which I believe is during bow season.

Title: Re: I know it does not affect us....
Post by: slimpickins on November 07, 2008, 12:25:19 pm

There it is, youthe season rifle during bow season.

Title: Re: I know it does not affect us....
Post by: slimpickins on November 07, 2008, 12:27:35 pm
We hunt Kent County, so here is what it says about us.

Special Youth-Only Season: Early open season: October 25-26, 2008. Late open season: January 17-18, 2009.

Bag limits, provision for the take of antlerless deer, and special requirements of the county, shall be as specified for the first 2 days of the general open season.

Licensed hunters 16 years of age or younger may hunt deer by any lawful means during this season.

Title: Re: I know it does not affect us....
Post by: Critter on November 07, 2008, 12:36:33 pm
I'm a bow hunter and usually hunt with my bow straight through rifle season. I can't see the problem with allowing the kids to hunt throughout bow season with their rifles. Get'em out and get'em hunting. It's all about the kids....and the dogs ;D

Title: Re: I know it does not affect us....
Post by: slimpickins on November 07, 2008, 12:38:20 pm
I agree, get'em out and into the woods as soon as possible.

Title: Re: I know it does not affect us....
Post by: Russ on November 08, 2008, 06:27:41 pm
There is already a youth only rifle season, it is the weekend before and the weekend after regular rifle deer hunting, which I believe is during bow season.

Yea Slim but they want to extend it the whole month of October. The bowhunter's I know say well they already got 65 days plus the youth weekends to hunt. Bowhunter's get 95 days to hunt, so why not give the kiddos 95 days too? I seriously doubt it's going to spook the deer, Esp. if they use they're head and don't make it sound like WWII out there

Title: Re: I know it does not affect us....
Post by: catchrcall on November 08, 2008, 11:53:51 pm
I bow hunt quite a bit, i don't have a problem with kids hunting during bow season.  they don't neccessarily need the whole thing, but i could see extending it by another week or two.  as was stated above, get em in the woods. 

Title: Re: I know it does not affect us....
Post by: Russ on November 09, 2008, 09:50:13 am
See that's what I don't understand and even though I'd love to share these thoughts on the other board (the thread finally died due to beat into the ground) but it's seems like there was alot of the "MINE MINE MINE!!!" even when it was brought up ok take them during general season or they claim they had plenty of time to take they're own, but what about the folks working they're butt off to make ends meet?

And the wonder why I'm only a member of TWA and TDHA ::) ??? ::) ???