Title: New B Post by: 4VBG on November 10, 2008, 02:03:15 pm You all sound like a great bunch of folks, very compassionate for what you do and the dogs you use.I just have one complaint there is a fellow on here by the name of J. Lingle that took me on a hunt last Fri. night I've hunted deer with him the last couple years but I finally got to go with him and the dogs I guess my complaint is I am hooked on this deal where do I go from here. Jerod thank you and the dogs for a great hunt.
Title: Re: New B Post by: uglydog on November 10, 2008, 02:07:06 pm Thats the kind of complaints the hog hunters want to hear, Welcome!
Title: Re: New B Post by: Silverton Boar Dogs on November 10, 2008, 02:34:01 pm Welcome to the club.
I have hunted with Jlingle quit a bit myself, always a good time. Just keep hunting with anyone you can, thats the first step. Paul t Title: Re: New B Post by: shawn on November 10, 2008, 03:21:28 pm keep hunting with other people, maybe pick yourself up a bulldog to take with you on hunts, its how I started, and from what I've heard alot of people started with a bulldog or two just to have a dog they call their own on the hunt, bulldogs are the easiest to train, either they got it or dont, and if you keep him on a lead (until told by more experienced guys to let him go) and if he isnt dog aggressive or human aggressive, NO ONE will complain about someone bring an extra catch dog. check the dog trade boards, someone is always selling or giving away an ab or pitbull. I prefer abs for their size and temperment, but everyone has their own favorites.
Title: Re: New B Post by: jlingle on November 10, 2008, 03:40:05 pm Welcome, Lee. I knew you'd be ruined. You're a closet adrenaline junkie if there's ever been one. What Lee isn't including in his comments, is that there were 4 of us on the hunt Friday night, we got on a nice boar, there was 1 flashlight between all of us, and the hog bayed up in 10 ft. tall elephant grass. ;D There's no way an adrenaline junkie can walk away from that experience without being hooked!!!
Title: Re: New B Post by: Clay on November 10, 2008, 04:47:09 pm glad to have ya on board. Just keep at it and have fun.
Title: Re: New B Post by: Mike on November 10, 2008, 06:06:55 pm Good deal... welcome to the boards! ;D
Title: Re: New B Post by: Boardog on November 10, 2008, 08:18:43 pm Welcome on board bud ;D
Once you go you get hooked and then everytime you go again you get more n more addicted. ;D Michael Conatser Title: Re: New B Post by: Bryant on November 10, 2008, 08:35:24 pm Welcome!
Plenty of good folk around here! Title: Re: New B Post by: jhy on November 10, 2008, 09:07:06 pm Welcome! Be careful, this sport is a sickness! :)
Joey Title: Re: New B Post by: clint on November 10, 2008, 09:45:02 pm come on in.... ;D