GENERAL CATEGORY => BAY PENS => Topic started by: wadepat2 on November 17, 2010, 07:17:49 am

Title: Can some one school me on how Bay Pens work?
Post by: wadepat2 on November 17, 2010, 07:17:49 am
I have never been to a baying. Ive seen some video online and it seems fun. What is the easist way to get started? What kind of dogs work best and what or the rules. How or points scored? I guess Im asking what kind of bay dogs scores the best. One who bays tight without putting teeth?
Thanks for the help.

Title: Re: Can some one school me on how Bay Pens work?
Post by: sgt.davis on November 17, 2010, 07:53:45 am

hogdoglady sent me the rules one time but I accidently deleted it. She might be able to send you a copy.

Title: Re: Can some one school me on how Bay Pens work?
Post by: coyote hunter on November 17, 2010, 10:25:48 am
really u just need to go to some and get the experience but a good tight bayin gritty only when and if he to be dog is the best for competitions  i use a gritty half lab half cat an a redbone for competition but i also hunt the lab cat mix too  he hates a runnin hog an my redbone never takes a breath in the pen which is good to the judges   i say go check em out  alot of fun an good people at them