Title: 11/09/08 hunt 2 boars Post by: got2catchem on November 11, 2008, 08:42:16 am Started off Sunday morning about 630 at a place we been haveing pretty good luck at since goat season started. We cut the dogs loose and about 15 mins later my dog Mudd opened up. He was a good ways in the woods but the dogs put in with him quickly. We got as close to the bay as we could with wheelers and walked the bulldogs in from there. We cut the bulldogs loose and they were off in a hurry. We got the hog caught and tied. Two of my dogs were cut, my AB catchdog and one of my young up and comers. We got back to the vehicles and I took a look at both dogs, just flesh wounds, so I put a couple staples in each of them and loaded them up in the trailer, they both done good and were done for the day. We finished hunting the honey hole with no sign or luck after that.
(http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w234/got2catchem/110908010.jpg) From there we decided to hunt another big place across the road. We started the dogs off and had hunted about 30 mins before my young jyp struck two hogs, both hogs went seperate ways and the dogs stuck with the one that ran the farthest. Using only one catchdog and seeing that both hogs probally didnt weigh over 150lbs, I figured it would be a safe bet to go ahead and get close to the bay and cut the catchdog loose. Well somewhere along the way the smaller hog preformed the ol switch-a-roo trick with a much larger hog. The dogs were bayed in incredibly thick briars, all I heard when the catchdog got there was one grunt and loud crashing and out came a boar probally close to 250 lbs. He moved alot faster than the dogs could in those briars. To make a long story short, my ol catchdog left chaseing with the dogs and all the dogs came back except her. So I sent my brother back to the wheeler to turn the four wheeler on because she has always come back to it. Next thing I know, I hear a pig squealing ,my brother made it back to the wheeler and got a radio a said that my catchdog was caught on the hog that the dogs didnt follow. All the bay dogs left out and when they got there, he sure was panicking and said it was a big hog...lol. Lluckily my wife was closer and could tell him what to do(she is real good at that) The hog probally weighed about 150 lbs and we caught a much larger one earlier, so we gave him a real hard time, but it wasnt to bad for a hunt. (http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w234/got2catchem/110908017.jpg) Title: Re: 11/09/08 hunt 2 boars Post by: matt_aggie04 on November 11, 2008, 08:55:45 am Nice job, good looking boar hog. Hope your dogs heal up quick.
Matt Title: Re: 11/09/08 hunt 2 boars Post by: Flatbroke on November 11, 2008, 09:02:03 am Good Job. Your brother did good, at least he grabbed it. Back in the late 80's we took a prominent member of the 49ers football team hunting. he showed up with those bullets in a belt that he had Cris-crossed over the shoulders like the old western movies, anyway we had a good size hog caught in a dry creek bed and told him to go in and grab it. He about messed his nest, wouldn't have nothing to do with it. we had to talk him in to sticking it.
Nice hogs and thanks for sharing. Title: Re: 11/09/08 hunt 2 boars Post by: Mike on November 11, 2008, 06:01:15 pm Good story and nice hogs! ;D
Title: Re: 11/09/08 hunt 2 boars Post by: TexasJ on November 11, 2008, 08:51:44 pm sounds like you got some good woods with some good hogs...
Title: Re: 11/09/08 hunt 2 boars Post by: clint on November 11, 2008, 09:09:38 pm nice hogs,, that first one is healthy