HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: boarmom on November 24, 2010, 10:54:06 am

Title: What are you the most thankful for?
Post by: boarmom on November 24, 2010, 10:54:06 am
Wishing all of you a blessed Thanksgiving Day!  We are some of the most blessed people on the planet and many times still grumble and complain. 
Just hoping everyone that reads this will pause for a minute to think about your blessings and what you are the most thankful for.

For me it is hard to pick out just one thing. It would have to be that I know Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour.  He has blessed me with an awesome husband for 35 years (of course we got married when we were 5 - LOL).  Three fine sons and two darling grandchildren.

Thanks for reading this post and responding.

Title: Re: What are you the most thankful for?
Post by: sp on November 24, 2010, 11:49:58 am
Off course complete forgivness of our sins should be everyones number one.  However, my number two would be the blessing of three wonderful children and their health.  Anyone whoever doubts blind faith in God should stare into a crib for a couple of minutes with a sleeping infant in it.  Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Title: Re: What are you the most thankful for?
Post by: uglydog on November 24, 2010, 11:50:35 am
Good post Patsy! and I believe your right its hard to pick out just one thing!

Title: Re: What are you the most thankful for?
Post by: blakebh on November 24, 2010, 11:53:46 am
My wife and family!

Title: Re: What are you the most thankful for?
Post by: Case on November 24, 2010, 12:09:16 pm
Off course complete forgivness of our sins should be everyones number one.  Anyone whoever doubts blind faith in God should stare into a crib for a couple of minutes with a sleeping infant in it. 
  X2 well stated SP

#1 GOD, #2 FAMILY and #3 HUNTING

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Title: Re: What are you the most thankful for?
Post by: DangerZone on November 24, 2010, 12:35:00 pm
MY wife, MY kids, Our health, My home, My dogs, My family, My job, My toys, and My ETHD family&Friends, And I owe it all to GOD.....Happy Thanksgiving to All !! God Bless BE safe

Title: Re: What are you the most thankful for?
Post by: REHABHOGHUNTER on November 24, 2010, 12:45:02 pm

Title: Re: What are you the most thankful for?
Post by: LionandBoarHunter on November 24, 2010, 12:45:09 pm

Title: Re: What are you the most thankful for?
Post by: SC Hog Wild on November 24, 2010, 12:47:51 pm

Title: Re: What are you the most thankful for?
Post by: matt_aggie04 on November 24, 2010, 02:20:26 pm
My faith, my health, my family and friends, and being able to enjoy the outdoors......

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!

Title: Re: What are you the most thankful for?
Post by: sgt.davis on November 24, 2010, 02:53:35 pm
MY wife, MY kids, Our health, My home, My dogs, My family, My job, My toys, and My ETHD family&Friends, And I owe it all to GOD.....Happy Thanksgiving to All !! God Bless BE safe

Very well said!

Title: Re: What are you the most thankful for?
Post by: djhogdogger on November 24, 2010, 03:08:10 pm
 I am most thankful for my husband and our son. I wouldn't be the person i am today without them.

 :-* :-* :-* I love you James and Tyler!

Title: Re: What are you the most thankful for?
Post by: shsu11 on November 24, 2010, 03:34:37 pm
That Jesus Christ died on the cross for me! but after that i'm very thankful for living in a free country and for my family!

Title: Re: What are you the most thankful for?
Post by: Jared H. on November 24, 2010, 05:21:21 pm
The fact that I'm saved by grace through faith and for my family .  And that God blessed us with hogs to hunt lol.

Title: Re: What are you the most thankful for?
Post by: raider54 on November 24, 2010, 06:05:55 pm
You know all of the attention brought toward Jesus  on this thread in this time of giving thanks, and I agree, without him we would be nothing But!

NOT ONE OF YOU HAS MENTIONED.........OBAMA???????????????????????


Title: Re: What are you the most thankful for?
Post by: wadepat2 on November 24, 2010, 06:38:13 pm
Thank You Jesus for my new life.

Title: Re: What are you the most thankful for?
Post by: cward on November 24, 2010, 07:10:19 pm
My wife and kids! We can't foget ETHD! Everyone have a happy Thanksgiving!

Title: Re: What are you the most thankful for?
Post by: BarrNinja on November 25, 2010, 03:46:22 am
That Jesus Christ died on the cross for me! but after that i'm very thankful for living in a free country and for my family!


We truly are blessed!!!

I find myself offshore working over Thanksgiving day. I am disappointed but very thankful to have a job.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

Title: Re: What are you the most thankful for?
Post by: Doggie on November 25, 2010, 11:17:31 am
My wife the kid and our dogs.  I am also thankful for each and every man and woman in the military that has served, is serving, or lost their life defending our freedoms with out these men and women all of us would have less to be thankful for.

Title: Re: What are you the most thankful for?
Post by: BA-IV on November 25, 2010, 12:02:06 pm
I'm thankful for my lil boy and girl (twins) who blessed me last year on DEC 30...No complications, no problems, and very healthy, and of course my wife, and I can't ask for much more...I do find myself in Iraq for Thanksgiving, but I can't complain since I'm home in about a month, and coming on this deployment has made me realize how lucky I have it, so hopefully I can use it to be a better father, husband, and a good neighbor. God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving!

Title: Re: What are you the most thankful for?
Post by: dub on November 25, 2010, 12:14:14 pm
I am thankful for four wheel drive. I had my kids in my truck diving where four-wheelers go. Then down about a twenty foot drop off and back up the other side. Kids squealing and laughing. My six year old made me do over and over. Get home to my wife looking at me with that look. Now that is Thanksgiving for me.

Title: Re: What are you the most thankful for?
Post by: T-Bob Parker on November 25, 2010, 03:53:40 pm
My wife and I are in Louisiana visiting her grandmother in the nursing home and I saw so many elderly folks  sitting in the hallways waiting for family who probably weren't coming and it almost made me tear up. This last year my wife and I both lost our very lucrative jobs. We had to put our home and acreage up for lease,  then we had to take a Loss in the sale of a couple vehicles but through all of this God blessed us with a beautiful healthy baby girl and a couple of jobs that put food on the table and keep the lights on. When I looked at the hopeless desperation in the old gray eyes of the lonely folks in that nursing home, it made me thankful that God gave me health and strength and a work ethic that drives me to keep plodding along with faith in his promises. I am now a youth pastor and I work with kids who have everything they could ever desire and while I love those kids like play cousins, I am now all the more thankful for the fact that I have what I have.

Gods word says consider it all pure joy when you encounter hardships of many kinds because the testing of your faith moulds godly character. I Finnally get it
Thank you God

Title: Re: What are you the most thankful for?
Post by: tnhillbilly on November 25, 2010, 04:10:41 pm
X 2 on everything,   but i am most thankful that while we were yet a sinners CHRIST died for us.  He had to reach WAY DOWN for me.  I am thankful for salvation,  my 4 beautiful children, a good place to sleep, shoes on my feet, and plenty to eat,  all my internet hog huntin friends,  my health, job, .................. the list just goes on and on,    and still cant be thankful enough.

Title: Re: What are you the most thankful for?
Post by: rdjustham on November 25, 2010, 04:18:47 pm
After the shooting i was in and the motorcycle crash a week later I am thankful to still be alive and get to see the smile on my sons face..

Title: Re: What are you the most thankful for?
Post by: boarmom on November 29, 2010, 11:22:01 am
Thanks to all of you that responded to my post.  It was exciting to read what people are thankful for.  Many of your posts touched my heart.  God Bless!!