HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: Jared H. on November 28, 2010, 11:53:56 am

Title: Can you train a dog to come back?
Post by: Jared H. on November 28, 2010, 11:53:56 am
I took a couple of dogs out this morning just to let them stretch there legs.  They ended up on my neighbors baying but it ended up breaking and it was off to the races. After going as far as I legally could they were still over a mile out.   I ended up having to get my wife to pick me up so we could drive closer to a county road they were close to.  When they got close an older man caught them and had them in his truck.  He said the land they came through was owned by some people that wanted to make an example out of hog doggers that cross there fence.  Glad I didn't.  After I got my dogs home I started thinking maybe I shouldn't take my dogs out here if that is the case because usually when a hog breaks they end up on this land.  The problem is my dogs won't quit and get too far off to hear me. I'm not sure what to do besides hunt bigger tracts of land but will a dog ever learn to come back? If I didn't have tracking collars I'm not sure if I would have ever seen my dogs again.

Title: Re: Can you train a dog to come back?
Post by: SabineSand on November 28, 2010, 12:16:35 pm
I hunted once with a fella who had shock collars on his dogs. The remote had two options warning tone and shock. When he rang the warning tone the dogs would load up on the four wheeler just as quick as they had left. If the didnt they got the other button until they did. I dont know where he got his equipment this is all I know.

Title: Re: Can you train a dog to come back?
Post by: Tusk Hog on November 28, 2010, 02:11:29 pm
  Tri-tronics Field 90 has thoses options. My old strike dog wears a garmin dc 30 and a tri-tronic collar. If he is getting too far in the wrong direction I just beep him. He'll turn around and head back. Never have to shock him.