HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Purebreedcolt on December 03, 2010, 08:48:58 pm

Title: amish heaters
Post by: Purebreedcolt on December 03, 2010, 08:48:58 pm
Hey what are yalls opinions on the little heaters and where is the best place to get one?  Any better ones out there

Title: Re: amish heaters
Post by: dabutcher on December 03, 2010, 08:52:38 pm
just go old school....... get a damn Dearborn.  MADE IN TEXAS O0

Title: Re: amish heaters
Post by: Purebreedcolt on December 03, 2010, 09:00:44 pm
Yeah but I don't have propain or nat gas out here or I would I agree with u and the wife don't like the flame thing much.

Title: Re: amish heaters
Post by: dabutcher on December 03, 2010, 09:11:21 pm
cut ya a hole in your roof and find you an old ashley wood stove....lmao   

i have a hard time believing the hype on those type things.

Title: Re: amish heaters
Post by: Purebreedcolt on December 03, 2010, 09:20:26 pm
Understand the hype thing kinda why I am asking we just want something for the bedroom/bathroom for cooler nights and mornings.

Title: Re: amish heaters
Post by: dabutcher on December 03, 2010, 09:24:10 pm
how big of a room do you have?? we have a heater we got from Walmart that knocks out the nip in the air in our bedroom and bath.  i think it ran us around $60 or $80

Title: Re: amish heaters
Post by: BarrNinja on December 03, 2010, 10:55:58 pm
HA! I watched part of that infomercial just the other day! It was kinda like the Banjo minnow infomercial! I couldnt make myself change the channel!
I dont have an opinion on them but those infomercials are alot like TV evangelist. They spend the whole time trying to get you to send them your money!
Let us know how you like it if you get one. Its getting close to Christmas and my wife is tired of splitting wood.  :D

Title: Re: amish heaters
Post by: BA-IV on December 04, 2010, 09:17:07 am
. Its getting close to Christmas and my wife is tired of splitting wood.  :D

You're probably real lucky she dont get on here and read this or you might have to ninja one of your dogs so you can use his bed for alil while  ;D

Title: Re: amish heaters
Post by: Browndog on December 04, 2010, 09:20:06 am
I have a little experience, indirectly, with the Amish heaters.  I'm a UPS driver, and when they first came out,we would deliver them, usually two at a time and then turn around and pick them back up in a couple of weeks.  I think they had some guarantee that  you could send them back if not completely satisfied and most sent them back!  This was in the last couple of years so maybe they have improved by now.

Title: Re: amish heaters
Post by: BarrNinja on December 04, 2010, 01:07:20 pm
. Its getting close to Christmas and my wife is tired of splitting wood.  :D

You're probably real lucky she dont get on here and read this or you might have to ninja one of your dogs so you can use his bed for alil while  ;D

So true!!! 8)

Title: Re: amish heaters
Post by: dabutcher on December 04, 2010, 01:59:25 pm
Its getting close to Christmas and my wife is tired of splitting wood.  :D

Apparently i need to learn the ways of the NINJA... 8)

Title: Re: amish heaters
Post by: SulRossGrad on December 05, 2010, 01:58:42 am
My grandmother has one of those heaters.and yes it will warm a house till you just about.love the cold weather outside than to be inside but on low it works great

Title: Re: amish heaters
Post by: firemedic on December 05, 2010, 01:05:25 pm
I bought an EdenPure quartz heater last winter.....great little heater. It heats up my living room and kitchen which is all one big room. It's meant to be used as a supplement and it does a heck of a job. It's quiet and uses very little electricity and the heat is just like wood heat....it warms you to the bone.