Title: kawasaki bayou 300 4x4 on trailer. And trailer to pull behind! Post by: pltx ken on December 13, 2010, 07:09:44 pm I have a kawasaki bayou 300 4x4 With new tires. It has electric start and pull start both work. The 4 wheeler is a little rough but runs great, It is always 4 wheel drive it was made like that. The trailer holds the 4 wheeler great. and has two compartments in the front for dogs or hogs. I will take 700.00 for it or will trade it for a really really good bmc gyp. I also have a trailer to pull behind the 4 wheeler it is 3x3 with nice big tires. It has two clips on top. It was designed for hogs but will hold 3 or 4 dogs nicely. I will take 75.00 For it. This is not a really nice rig, but runs and works great. The reason i am saling it is i thought i wanted it and needed it, but after getting it i hardly ever use it and i no someone would. Like i sazid it not really nice but is good so if you want something fancy dont waste your time. Call 361 250 0029.
Title: Re: kawasaki bayou 300 4x4 on trailer. And trailer to pull behind! Post by: pltx ken on December 22, 2010, 05:44:03 am btt