Title: Selling a few Strike Dogs !!!!!!!!!!! Post by: SulRossGrad on December 14, 2010, 03:24:43 pm I have posted before but I need these hog dogs gone I need more space for cattle dogs . I have several dogs that will not work or bark at a cow I have them finding and baying hogs when I am working cattle they will all find and bay hogs they do not need help they work like a cowdog when they get in on a bunch of hogs I will take $1500 a piece if you buy more than one I will make it worth your while I just need them gone . There is nothing wrong with them just do not have time for hogdogs with winter here. Will give trial till january no problems Guarantee they will make you happy may even be interested in trading for horses,saddles,livestock trailers or good gun to work in brush they must go call 432-294-3421 Garrett Barrow Thanks Ps will be in dallas area this week and I have most of them with me