Title: keeping hogz near dogs? Post by: i20hogz on December 16, 2010, 10:53:56 am just was wondering what yall thought about keeping hogz near your dogs
i got a bay pen that i keep 2 ,3 hogs in to work the dogs or a pup every now and then the pen is probly a 100 yrds away from the kennels. my question is do yall think the dogs will get board with the smell, since they smell it all the time? to break a dog from deer i tied deer scent to her neck for two weeks and and a shock collar. just dont want my dogs to get tired of smelling a hogz!!!!!!!!!!! Title: Re: keeping hogz near dogs? Post by: LionandBoarHunter on December 16, 2010, 10:59:58 am my hog pen is 100 yards away from my kennel been there for years and never affected them my dogs are usually curled up in there barrels sleeping hopin i not coming to load them up though to ;D
Title: Re: keeping hogz near dogs? Post by: sfboarbuster on December 16, 2010, 11:01:18 am I don't think it hurts at all, they know what their job is once you bring them to the woods!
My hog pen is 50 yards from my dog pens, they don't mess with them at all except for puppies, but turn em loose in the woods and its game on! Title: Re: keeping hogz near dogs? Post by: Amokabs on December 16, 2010, 12:25:20 pm a friend in north alabama has his dogs tied out and many can watch the hogs he has in a pen ,, has some bird dog crosses that sit all day watchin those pigs, never seen dogs sittin so intense in my life, when they go out, woe to the first pig they get to
Title: Re: keeping hogz near dogs? Post by: Nickjones on December 16, 2010, 04:47:10 pm i kept my hogs and dogs close together and it seemed like my dogs didn't hunt as good or didn't find as many hogs. if u think about it people tie deer scent on a rag to there dogs collars so the will get used to the smell and wont chase deer anymore. if your dogs smell hogs all the time they might not be able to take a track as good. just my 2 cents. I aint wrote no books though.
Title: Re: keeping hogz near dogs? Post by: djhogdogger on December 16, 2010, 04:54:13 pm We have the hog pen where the dogs cant see them but if the wind blows right i know they can smell them. But we let one of our female dogs run loose and she doesn't mess with the hogs in the pen unless we tell her to and she still hunts her but off. Dont know if this is true of all dogs but thats how it is with ours.
Title: Re: keeping hogz near dogs? Post by: Bo Pugh on December 16, 2010, 06:30:13 pm me and the man i hunt with have hog pens joining the back of our dog kennels,we keep the hog in a trap at the back and we can let it out in the bigger part and all the dogs can bark at once, its got a few advantages of doing this, dont have to load and unload dogs, and they cant catch it through the wire and it seems like it helps the puppys get started early because they cant be wondering around.
Title: Re: keeping hogz near dogs? Post by: okie on December 17, 2010, 03:30:23 pm i know a guy with a bay pen and alot of hogs in it over his career...all of his dogs are 20 yrds to 50 yrds and it never effected them....his pups will go over there and bay at the hogs on there own...when he takes his dogs off there chain, they know what time it is....
Title: Re: keeping hogz near dogs? Post by: Diamond G on December 17, 2010, 09:11:44 pm I have never had a problem with it. A good buddy of mine has had his pen about 50 yds from the kennels and never any problem either. When you are breaking dogs off deer you dont let em get away with chasing them in the field. They learn that sent and punishment for chasing.