Title: GHOST HOG Post by: djhogdogger on December 23, 2010, 10:51:52 am There is one hog on one of our buddy's properties that seems to be unstoppable. We seem to get on this hog every time we go to this place. He will bay just for a minute, just long enough to do some damage to the dogs and then the race is on and this long winded hog doesn't have any stop to him. Judging from the depth of the puncture wounds he inflicts on the dogs, he has some pretty good knives on him. This has been going on for several months now and we want to see this "ghost hog" caught.
Might have to send in a running catch dog. Any ideas????????? Title: Re: GHOST HOG Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on December 23, 2010, 11:00:31 am Several years back we had one in our club. We were hunting at night (because of the heat). He would cut all the dogs down, and just vanish. We ended up going in the daytime. Trailed him right to his bed. The fight was on. We let him leave. An hour later we put back on his track. They bayed up. We sent the world to him. DOG PILED HIS FAT TAIL. That was a good day. I replay it in my mind from time to time. We finally beat that beast. Man, that was a worthy hog. Very gratifying knowing we finally got the best of him. ;)
Title: Re: GHOST HOG Post by: Reuben on December 23, 2010, 11:12:54 am There is one hog on one of our buddy's properties that seems to be unstoppable. We seem to get on this hog every time we go to this place. He will bay just for a minute, just long enough to do some damage to the dogs and then the race is on and this long winded hog doesn't have any stop to him. Judging from the depth of the puncture wounds he inflicts on the dogs, he has some pretty good knives on him. This has been going on for several months now and we want to see this "ghost hog" caught. Might have to send in a running catch dog. Any ideas????????? We had the same exact scenario years back with a big boar. It went on for several months and we noticed he kept the same routine. We made a plan to send my brother from one side and a friend a little further. I then turned the dogs loose and struck pretty quick and the dogs ran him past my brother and they caught him right by our friend. The big boar beat the dogs back and were baying and the hog chose to stay and bang up the dog a little before breaking but my brother got there and siced the dogs and they caught just long enough for Greg to get in and stick the hog. He was tall and long but not real heavy for his size. He weighed about 275. That was a real good night for us. This hog had taken down one of our dogs previously. You might have to make a plan like this one and maybe have a good catch dog ready and waiting. Title: Re: GHOST HOG Post by: catchrcall on December 23, 2010, 11:57:12 am I guess it was last summer I had a hog on my lease that ran real bad. he would run circles around this one pasture and finally get across the fence and lose the dogs, and it would take all night to do. I finally realized that he was using the same water gap every time when he would get through the fence, so when we got on him again and he started the circle routine I just drove to the water gap and waited with a hide pulling catchy little rip of a dog and my catch dog. I heard him scattering rocks as he ran down the creek in front of the strike dogs, so i turned the bay dog(hide pulling catchy little rip) loose that i had with me and as soon as i heard her stop him i cut the catch dog loose too and finally got him caught. It was not a huge hog. i guessed him at 150 to 160 and not much for cutters, i just knew it was the same one because he was a black hog with white front legs. I was glad to be rid of him.
Title: Re: GHOST HOG Post by: M Bennet on December 23, 2010, 12:23:50 pm iwould use very rough dogs, 4,5 wen they stop him send 2 cd. my dogs arevery rough and dont bark if they do bark its normaly a big hog and i send 2 cd. but just keep trying to get him, good luck
Title: Re: GHOST HOG Post by: Caughtandhobbled on December 23, 2010, 07:03:47 pm All you have to do is invite the rough dogs from just south of yall!!!!
Title: Re: GHOST HOG Post by: levibarcus on December 23, 2010, 08:28:22 pm I've got one that has been getting away from me all year. It is frustrating but will make the catch that much better when I get him. I've got game cam pics of him, he's a decent boar, I'm guessing 250 to 275. He beds in the same area all the time and I jump him nearly every time I hunt that place. I've had my dogs trail him for three hours and several miles, bay multiple times for just a minute and them it's run run run again. He broke one cds jaw and nearly killed another one. I'm ready to get the dogs and cut loose on him just talking about it! Revenge will be sweet!
Title: Re: GHOST HOG Post by: raider54 on December 24, 2010, 01:32:51 am DJ, what you need is a Claymore!!! if you have no idea what im talking about Google it...se what you think
Title: Re: GHOST HOG Post by: goose on December 24, 2010, 08:30:57 am i would bring several packs of dogs with sum bottom to them and turn one pack at a time on him till he runs dwn might take a while but he will eventually run down and with the ability to drop fresh dogs on him constantly something gna have to give...this is how we do it on bad running hogs we use the same mentality as the deer doggers do by picking up dogs and dumping fresh ones to him when we finally get him bayed after long races like that we tailgate to him along with the bulldogs and let the dogs gang bang his as$...sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt...i LOVE hogs like that just much more satisfying when you finally have that sucker tied down
Title: Re: GHOST HOG Post by: tobyb2007 on December 24, 2010, 10:16:18 am This ghost hog wouldn't be a white hog outside of bedias would he. If not he sure sounds like one over there that seems to be unstoppable for the time bein.
Title: Re: GHOST HOG Post by: BIG BEN on December 24, 2010, 12:26:42 pm Eventually everyone is going to get their own Ghost Hog, we have ours, does the same as yours, but he runs through other sounders to throw the dogs off.
Title: Re: GHOST HOG Post by: country man 563 on December 24, 2010, 12:30:34 pm i now how to stop him all my dogs all heath dogs all of todds dogs all of yalls dogs then we will get him!