Title: New Litter of Pups Post by: Shewolf on January 01, 2011, 11:31:37 am Some of ya'll may remember that gyp I found a while back, well after much searching I found who she belonged to and to make a long story short the guy told me I could have her because he had too many dogs anyway. I found out she's a year old and has been on several hunts and has always shown to be gritty. Well what the man didn't tell me was that she was bred. I figured that out after she started showing. I called the man back and asked what she was bred to. He was kinda sheepish about the whole thing LOL but I told him not to worry about it. I just wanted to know was she bred to a hunting dog or if something else had got to her. He told me she was bred to his 3/4 Cat/1/4 pit dog. Well Folks the pups are here and a good looking bunch of pups they are. All of them are marked up like Catahoula's but one which is a throw back to the pit ancestry, it's black and white. Oh the gyp is half cat and half pit and I even got to meet her mama. I also got an invite to go huntin after deer season is over with. I'll post pics when the pups get a bit older.
Title: Re: New Litter of Pups Post by: prg2010 on January 01, 2011, 12:56:06 pm id like to see them pups bet they look good ;D
Title: Re: New Litter of Pups Post by: BULLMASTER on January 01, 2011, 01:27:08 pm I would sure try them out.
Title: Re: New Litter of Pups Post by: Shewolf on January 01, 2011, 05:59:03 pm Yea I plan on trying them out and am gonna watch em close to see which 2 I'm gonna keep. Now I can quit lookin for pups to raise and train LOL.
Title: Re: New Litter of Pups Post by: Case on January 01, 2011, 06:57:54 pm Sounds like things found a way to fall into place for ya. Good luck with them.
Title: Re: New Litter of Pups Post by: Shewolf on January 01, 2011, 07:15:47 pm Yea they did and thanks!