HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: boarmom on January 03, 2011, 04:19:00 pm

Title: Your help would be appreciated!
Post by: boarmom on January 03, 2011, 04:19:00 pm
This question was asked to me and I have no idea.  I know many of you on here are from different parts of the US so I am hoping someone can give me an answer for this guy.  Thanks for any help.

I have hunted alone in public land in Maryland and placed venison at the table (and several antlers) for two decades but have no idea about boars.

I would appreciate your advise on identifying a state and a county within 500-700 miles max driving distance from Baltimore that would afford me the best chances of bagging with any weapon (firearm/ mzzloader or X/Bow) the largest possible tusked wild free ranged boar.

Your records suggest Alabama within my driving range but not clear wheather public or private lands and which County.

I have gotten so excited about trying at boar hunting  that I would be willing to pay for a lodge/guiding for the first time in my life, if one could be recommended within my driving distance.