Title: Lake o pines Post by: ez-hogs on January 04, 2011, 03:38:41 pm i have a friend that i visit up around longview and i go to lake o pines alot and was woundering can u hunt with dogs around that lake and if so anyone on here hunt up that way or around there that wouldnt let me tag along i have dogs to that sure enough hate them some hogs i have a really good hunting place to so maybe we can exchange hunts
Title: Re: Lake o pines Post by: Bountyhoghunter on January 04, 2011, 04:47:48 pm If ur talking about the army Corp land I beleave you can I've been fishing at the spillway and have heard hounds after sOmething
Title: Re: Lake o pines Post by: ez-hogs on January 04, 2011, 06:05:14 pm Do u live up that way if u do maybe we can try and get alittle more info and hunt it i really like that area out there good views and looks like it could be fun to hunt it