Title: Pro Dog Transport - Updated Route/Schedule Post by: Cajun Pet Express on January 05, 2011, 10:52:07 am Sunday January 9th - N. Alabama to Miss. then La.
Monday January 10th - S. Louisiana to N. Louisiana Areas Tuesday January 11th - Arkansas to Texas Wednesday January 12th - South Texas then back to South Louisiana Areas. Thursday January 13th - South Louisiana to Mississippi then Alabama and Georgia (Atlanta) Areas. Friday January 14th - East Georgia to South Carolina then Tennessee Saturday January 15th - Tennessee to Illinois then Indiana Sunday January 16th - Indiana to Michigan then Ohio Monday January 17th -Erie, Pa. to Buffalo (Canadian Border) then Syracuse/Albany NY Areas Tuesday January 18th - Upstate NY to Mass then Conn./New Jersey Areas. Wednesday January 19th - East Pa. to Maryland then Virginia/North Carolina Areas. Thursday January 20th - North Carolina to S. Carolina then Tennessee. From there heading to St. Louis, Ill. Friday January 21st. Missouri to Oklahoma then Texas Saturday January 22nd - Texas then back to Louisiana Call, text or e-mail for price quote. Our 5 years of full time dog transport experience with no incidents has made us one of the top choices of professional hunters and breeders. We pride ourself on a clean, friendly, professional and timely operation. Quiet and Comfortable ride in our new 2010 Mercedes Benz Turbo Diesel Sprinter Van with rear heat, foam insulated walls and large comfortable crates. Dave - 985-516-6713 Cajun Pet Express U.S.D.A. Licensed and Insured References http://www.prodogtransport.com/ref.html (http://www.prodogtransport.com/ref.html) Website http://www.prodogtransport.com (http://www.prodogtransport.com) (http://www.prodogtransport.com/sitebuilder/images/sprintervan-328x237.jpg) (http://www.prodogtransport.com/sitebuilder/images/frontdogs-429x317.jpg) (http://www.prodogtransport.com/sitebuilder/images/rearsprinter-429x317.jpg) |