Title: POISENING HOGS, AND RESTRICTING DOGGERS FROM WMA??? I dont get it..... Post by: Case on January 07, 2011, 03:59:17 pm http://www.khou.com/news/Texas-Wildlife-Services-explores-safe-way-to-poison-feral-hogs--113081864.html#comments
Title: Re: POISENING HOGS, AND RESTRICTING DOGGERS FROM WMA??? I dont get it..... Post by: got2catchem on January 07, 2011, 04:02:13 pm It dosen't mention any studies or possible concerns for issues such as biomagnification, I an curious about this...
Title: Re: POISENING HOGS, AND RESTRICTING DOGGERS FROM WMA??? I dont get it..... Post by: DangerZone on January 07, 2011, 04:07:26 pm I've lost or had dogs and cats get sick from eating poisoned rats, Secondary piosoning... what happens to the buzzards and other predators that feed on the dead hog..???
Title: Re: POISENING HOGS, AND RESTRICTING DOGGERS FROM WMA??? I dont get it..... Post by: grittydog on January 07, 2011, 04:08:36 pm I wonder if everything that will eat a dead hog dies also.
Title: Re: POISENING HOGS, AND RESTRICTING DOGGERS FROM WMA??? I dont get it..... Post by: Case on January 07, 2011, 04:12:45 pm I dont know!
Why destroy good food? Why not let someone come in catch/cut and give to the needy? ??? ??? ??? Title: Re: POISENING HOGS, AND RESTRICTING DOGGERS FROM WMA??? I dont get it..... Post by: Case on January 07, 2011, 04:14:41 pm It dosen't mention any studies or possible concerns for issues such as biomagnification, I an curious about this... X2-good point! Title: Re: POISENING HOGS, AND RESTRICTING DOGGERS FROM WMA??? I dont get it..... Post by: pigsticker64 on January 07, 2011, 04:25:03 pm PETA will probably get involved and this will all go away. PETA will then realize that Hog Dogging is not that bad, the only poison being used is (Bad Ass CD and a a good Pig Sticker)..... ;D
Title: Re: POISENING HOGS, AND RESTRICTING DOGGERS FROM WMA??? I dont get it..... Post by: catchrcall on January 07, 2011, 04:50:40 pm so what happens when a hog only eats half a pellet and leaves the rest laying on the ground? or drags out more than it eats? or the door sticks open? i can remember my dad and grandpa talking about DDT, it didn't sound good at all.
Title: Re: POISENING HOGS, AND RESTRICTING DOGGERS FROM WMA??? I dont get it..... Post by: Reuben on January 07, 2011, 06:32:49 pm PETA will probably get involved and this will all go away. PETA will then realize that Hog Dogging is not that bad, the only poison being used is (Bad Ass CD and a a good Pig Sticker)..... ;D Peta would rather have other animals die from poison if that is what it takes to shutdown hunting. Title: Re: POISENING HOGS, AND RESTRICTING DOGGERS FROM WMA??? I dont get it..... Post by: T-Bob Parker on January 07, 2011, 06:51:33 pm The pesticides laws put in place by FIFRA and the TCEQ will not leave this as an option for too long. Sometimes we and the bunny huggers end up on the same side for good reason
Title: Re: POISENING HOGS, AND RESTRICTING DOGGERS FROM WMA??? I dont get it..... Post by: charles on January 07, 2011, 06:53:10 pm When has any part of any government cared bout anbody but their self? been that way for hundreds of years. it will continue to happen till the people that elect them in office start doing away with the airsupply of the politicians.
Title: Re: POISENING HOGS, AND RESTRICTING DOGGERS FROM WMA??? I dont get it..... Post by: T-Bob Parker on January 07, 2011, 07:38:11 pm No Charles, I'm saying if they let the chemical option proceed @all it wont last due to laws already on the books abut residual pesticides and non target species irradication. But then again our national bird could just as well be an ostrich because this govt does often bury its head in the sand ;D
Title: Re: POISENING HOGS, AND RESTRICTING DOGGERS FROM WMA??? I dont get it..... Post by: Case on January 07, 2011, 08:45:55 pm When has any part of any government cared bout anbody but their self? been that way for hundreds of years. it will continue to happen till the people that elect them in office start doing away with the airsupply of the politicians. A bit off topic, but I can definitly agree with this charles. I'm 32, and I can remember my grandfather pretty well. If this crap had been going on while his age group was alive and healthy, they'd of went to Washington, drug them sorry suckers out of office, and them politicians would be unemployeed the next day, if they made it through. ;) And that's exactly what its gonna take to get things back the way they use to be. Title: Re: POISENING HOGS, AND RESTRICTING DOGGERS FROM WMA??? I dont get it..... Post by: Reuben on January 08, 2011, 05:56:27 am When has any part of any government cared bout anbody but their self? been that way for hundreds of years. it will continue to happen till the people that elect them in office start doing away with the airsupply of the politicians. A bit off topic, but I can definitly agree with this charles. I'm 32, and I can remember my grandfather pretty well. If this crap had been going on while his age group was alive and healthy, they'd of went to Washington, drug them sorry suckers out of office, and them politicians would be unemployeed the next day, if they made it through. ;) And that's exactly what its gonna take to get things back the way they use to be. We have a bunch of dummies running this country that don't know anything about hard work or should I say work, much less anything about business and they are running our country and to be more specific they are running our country into the ground. Title: Re: POISENING HOGS, AND RESTRICTING DOGGERS FROM WMA??? I dont get it..... Post by: rockinj on January 08, 2011, 11:57:39 pm What they failed to mention is how many tax payer dollars this will cost to do this and what they will do with the poisened hogs after this. They should all have to be buried somewhere. And what happens when the hogs root the feed out on the ground and then there are dead cattle, deer, coons and so on. I think it is a bunch of crap. My 2 cents
Title: Re: POISENING HOGS, AND RESTRICTING DOGGERS FROM WMA??? I dont get it..... Post by: matt_aggie04 on January 09, 2011, 02:13:46 pm What happens when a hog eats some poison walks a few miles under my deer feeder and I shoot it and take it home and eat it? I agree, this cannot be deemed a feasible option for long.
Title: Re: POISENING HOGS, AND RESTRICTING DOGGERS FROM WMA??? I dont get it..... Post by: catch-n-tie on January 09, 2011, 02:25:36 pm What happens when a hog eats some poison walks a few miles under my deer feeder and I shoot it and take it home and eat it? I agree, this cannot be deemed a feasible option for long. this is the best point made so far!!!!! Title: Re: POISENING HOGS, AND RESTRICTING DOGGERS FROM WMA??? I dont get it..... Post by: charles on January 09, 2011, 02:49:36 pm the government doesnt think that far ahead untill a family or a bunch of families come down real sick or worse and then the poison get traced back to them and they try to sweep it under the rug calling a need for pest control, and whos gonna pay, the families. is there a way we can get a petition goin to see if we atleast stop them from poisoning the animals and try to find an alternate means of control....