HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: slimpickins on January 11, 2011, 08:31:48 am

Title: Brrrrr.
Post by: slimpickins on January 11, 2011, 08:31:48 am
I took this picture at 0600 this morning during the morning weather. Hope I don't have to get out of the car today.


Title: Re: Brrrrr.
Post by: Circle C on January 11, 2011, 08:45:19 am
I was unhooking a trailer this morning before I left the house, and I could not believe how cold it was....

Got in the truck, looked at the thermometer.  It said 36  :o     That must feel like shorts and t-shirt weather to "you all" yankees. ;D

Title: Re: Brrrrr.
Post by: slimpickins on January 11, 2011, 08:54:09 am
Yup, I think the high today is 35 or 36.  rolleyes

Title: Re: Brrrrr.
Post by: jesusjunky1963 on January 11, 2011, 08:55:08 am
man it is cold here today, 3" of snow and 13 degrees

Title: Re: Brrrrr.
Post by: matt_aggie04 on January 11, 2011, 09:30:05 am
In my west Texas days I deer hunted a few times around the 15-16 degree range and even quail hunted one morning at 10 degrees. It is cold but a different kind of cold as most say. The coldest I have ever been was out there though it was real foggy and icy and 17 degrees. We had metal deer stands and you could spit on the wall and it would roll down about 2" and be frozen solid haha

Title: Re: Brrrrr.
Post by: slimpickins on January 11, 2011, 10:44:17 am
It is so dang dry here. All the news folks talked about was how much above average rainfall we had for the year.
What they didn't say was that reguardless, it hasn't rained since July 4th weekend. Above average or not, it's dry.
On a second note, the bank marguite (sp) said 6 at 0820, for a second I thanked God that it was dry this morning, instead of slick.
Did see on the news about a bad wreck in Lubbock where someone's sprinklers had ran down the street and iced an intersection. Idiots!  popo

Title: Re: Brrrrr.
Post by: BIG BEN on January 11, 2011, 12:33:43 pm
 Funny how the cold works with people. They bitch when its freezing and they have to work but you will not hear a peep when its time to go hunting. I love the cold weather

Title: Re: Brrrrr.
Post by: tnhillbilly on January 11, 2011, 08:52:56 pm
It is so dang dry here. All the news folks talked about was how much above average rainfall we had for the year. What they didn't say was that reguardless, it hasn't rained since July 4th weekend. Above average or not, it's dry. On a second note, the bank marguite (sp) said 6 at 0820, for a second I thanked God that it was dry this morning, instead of slick. Did see on the news about a bad wreck in Lubbock where someone's sprinklers had ran down the street and iced an intersection. Idiots! popo

you aint kiddin,  it has been hectic getting back and forth to work this week,  roads soild ice.  it has snowed every day for the past week, and callin for more over the next 3-4 days

Title: Re: Brrrrr.
Post by: TinyTexasCowgirl on January 11, 2011, 09:12:07 pm
I think y'all are all a bunch of wimps  ;D . I spent Dec 24h-January 3rd in Saskatchewan and Manitoba  Canada. It never got above - (yes, NEGATIVE) 11 the entire time we were there.

Title: Re: Brrrrr.
Post by: raider54 on January 11, 2011, 11:42:10 pm
All I know is that it was cold enough to put my Dodge Cummins out of business this morning >:(

Title: Re: Brrrrr.
Post by: catchrcall on January 12, 2011, 05:40:01 am
i say -56 in forw wainwright, alaska one time.  It was so cold I watched a guy's tire roll right off the rim while he was driving.

at forty below you can take a cup of hot tap water. throw it up in the air and it will never hit the ground

thirty below metal + skin = frostbite, and diesel fuel + skin= frozen body part

Title: Re: Brrrrr.
Post by: dub on January 12, 2011, 02:33:18 pm
Canucks and yankees think they are so used to cold. Then why do they all come running down hear in the winter? I remember once I was out out working in sub-sero temps and took my gloves and coat off. I was not paying attention but when I was done I went looking for my gloves and coat. Some yankee said wow you really like the cold. I just looked and said nope I hate it. He looked shocked. So I told him I hate the cold but when things have to get done they have to get done and I hate jackets and gloves more than cold when I am working. The yankees stopped giving me a hard time about being from the South after that. But I saw a girl walk across campus in the snow wearing flip-flops. She said it was nothing at home it got too cold to snow. Now that is just plain crazy! I only get out in the cold if there is a good reason and then I get warm as soon as I can.

This morning my mother-in-law drove by as my son was taking the trash out and fussed that he needed to have shoes on. Then she saw me with no shoes on and fussed at me. I really need to move to a new house quick! I will take freezing temps better than my mother-in-law!

Title: Re: Brrrrr.
Post by: ChaseG on January 12, 2011, 07:36:43 pm
i put out hay all day and the thermometer on the truck never got higher than 27. i frroze everytime i got out

Title: Re: Brrrrr.
Post by: jesse on January 12, 2011, 10:44:57 pm
dont know how cold it was this morning but in the pipe line ditch the heat form my welding did not help the ice and water up to my who who but i guess at 5 ft 5 in dont have to be much but i was and still cold for me