HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: coach on January 13, 2011, 09:42:05 am

Title: Need some advise.
Post by: coach on January 13, 2011, 09:42:05 am
Got a dog that has large bumps under his chin and under arms. They are about the size of marbles.    He also  has two barespots on his rear end bout the size of quarters. Anything I can give them just makes them look skinny.

Title: Re: Need some advise.
Post by: Peachcreek on January 13, 2011, 11:00:04 am
has he been fighting with another dog. my dogs will get marble sized deals under their skin sometimes and i took one to the vet one time who had several. the vet said it was small hematomas and that they would heal up and go away. he said more than likely it was from a dog fight or play. my dogs wrestle and play rough all the time so it sounded good to me.  they went away in about two weeks. if it aint that he prolly has a bad case of the ITIS ;D

Title: Re: Need some advise.
Post by: BIG BEN on January 13, 2011, 01:10:10 pm
 Ive got a dog with the same thing on her rear flank, its been there for almost a year and hasnt went away or gotten worse.

Title: Re: Need some advise.
Post by: kbar on January 13, 2011, 04:38:50 pm
how old is the dog?....does it have them on the back of his legs above the knee? if so...its probably the lymph nodes....which depending on his age could mean a lot of different stuff. could be cancer if hes old. if the dogs pretty young the lymph nodes will swell if there is some infection going on in the body. you could give him pen for a few weeks and see if they go down. if its not the lymph nodes it could just be fatty tumors on the body(which cause no harm). or maybe hematomas like peachcreek said....if hes been wrestling around with the other dogs. if they continue to get bigger i would take him to the vet...if its cancer they may be able to give you pred(steroid) to help with the inflammation and maybe get them to go away if its not cancer. hopw this help! mrs, kbar