HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Shewolf on January 14, 2011, 06:36:19 pm

Title: I sent this email to Rep Chuck Hopson today...
Post by: Shewolf on January 14, 2011, 06:36:19 pm
    I have supported you during your tenure in office and have voted for you each time you ran for election.  I cannot continue to support you, nor will I, if you sponsor or support a bill asking for the ban of the Pit Bull breed or their mixes.
    Chuck, I am a hog hunter.  As you know feral hogs cause millions of dollars worth of damage every year, the most effective way to control the number of feral hogs is with the use of dogs.  A great number of those dogs are pit bulls or their mixes.  Chuck, I have never met a mean pitt bull and I meet alot of them every year hunting with different people.
    I have owned pit bulls in the past and own pit mixes now.  I have had them as pets and used them for hunting.  I have always found the breed to be loyal, courageous, intelligent and gentle.  I believe this bill is a knee jerk reaction to an unfortunate situation.  Pit bulls are not a naturally mean breed.  There are other breeds that are far more aggressive.
    Chuck, the breed itself is not to blame.  Before you decide to sponsor this bill I ask that you go out and meet a few pit bulls and get a feel for their temperament. I ask that you be fair to this loyal gentle breed and their owners.
Shelia Teer

Title: Re: I sent this email to Rep Chuck Hopson today...
Post by: Shewolf on January 14, 2011, 06:39:20 pm
I got the link to his email from this site.


Title: Re: I sent this email to Rep Chuck Hopson today...
Post by: dub on January 14, 2011, 06:44:49 pm
everyone should know who there representatives are. If you are in Texas just go to this site and put your address in.


Title: Re: I sent this email to Rep Chuck Hopson today...
Post by: uglydog on January 14, 2011, 09:22:16 pm
Thank You SheWolf, I hope everyone stays on top of this legislative session in Austin that started a few days ago

Title: Re: I sent this email to Rep Chuck Hopson today...
Post by: sp on January 14, 2011, 10:13:14 pm
If they ban them mine will look funny riding in the back of my trailer through town with a gorilla mask on to hide their identity! Seriously though, I agree with Krystal.  Everyone needs to stay on top of this session.

Title: Re: I sent this email to Rep Chuck Hopson today...
Post by: dub on January 14, 2011, 10:47:20 pm
Your State reps listen better than federal. So send e-mail, letters, or call. Let them know where you stand. Have people that like you contact and take your points too. I worked in a politicians office and I can tell you letter pour in from the liberals. I do mean pour in. They send them to every rep they can. That is just dumb and does not get the attention you want. So go to the site I posted and contact YOUR Texas State Senator, and Texas State Representative. I prefer to write a letter but writing makes sure they get your words right. They want to get re-elected.