HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: uglydog on January 19, 2011, 01:06:00 pm

Title: Controversy
Post by: uglydog on January 19, 2011, 01:06:00 pm

Well I see some people got all upset, sorry not everybody is going to be happy all the time. Yall should have a job where you have to read and deal with each and everyone of the mickey mouse problems, complaints, and whiners, from this forum, like the moderators or even worse the admin. Getting messages all throughout the day and night, in the middle of hunting because somebody on ETHD, got under somebody else’s skin, ran off at the mouth or can't follow the rules. There are hundreds and hundreds of people on this message forum daily that  do not cause not the first issue, and are very much a pleasure to have on the forum. However some of the participants are the ones constant stirring the pot, meaning you are in some way trying to get a reaction out of another member.  Then there are the ones that take it a step further, and act like they do not have a clue why they are being picked on, "Everybody is always ganging up on them" These are the worst kind for a moderator, So much of the time is spent trying to sort out who is wrong and who is the problem, private messages flowing back and fourth. The moderators here have a great benefits package and good salary, but that overtime stuff needs to be eliminated.
Then there are folks that get on here and want to start complaining about how this ship is run, accuse the Admin, of flexing its muscle,  because “We guys are a Clique". So I want to address that also.
First off, if ETHD was a ship, then Mike is the Captain, the rest of us is  the crew, and we are just as likely to walk that plank as you passengers are to be thrown overboard. The "Crew" has to put up with "whining and belly aching" of all the rest, however we all work together pretty dern well, to keep this ship sailing. We are still individuals that hunt and have lives and families and JUST LIKE YOU, we have our own personal opinions, We are allowed to participate in conversations and just like you to voice our opinion,  however because we are the crew we get accused of being in a clique, or taking advantage of our "POWER". 
So next time a subject gets several pages long and ETHD Moderators and administrators have an "opinion" and then later have to step in and let everyone know this post has went as far as it can go without getting nasty,
Maybe you will remember that "we" also might want to state our opinion in the matter without being judged by the members here any different than other members.

Then there are those that just find it easier to complain, and fuss about how things are being run around here, thinking if enough people will get behind them on the matter it will get things changed to run better, SNAP! this is a private website, meaning it ain't a democracy, The Squeaking Wheel around here gets a PM, an opportunity to change behaviors, then removed, not oiled. The truth is the people keeping this site running smooth would much rather be having fun that dealing with controversy here.
I know the large majority, come here, enjoy themselves and never have any problems. I too enjoy myself here most of the time, this is a great bunch of people in general, have met and made a lot of friends because of this site.
The other people that have had issues the past couple days, not addressing anyone in particular because their are several. Those are the ones that need to take the hints, some of you got PMs, and still don't get it,  but take the hints when its time to let something go, leave it and move on. You keep dragging it up, pleading your case, it gets VERY OLD.
Trying to get the last word in? wanting to convince the masses that you are right? Where do you really think this will end? Well I can tell you it will be for the benefit of the ETHD website, is how it will end. That can be accomplished where everybody takes a deep breath and gets their mind right, or either the problem can be removed from this site all together. The Moderators and Administrators work to keep this a good clean, enjoyable, site,  and of course they all stand behind each others decisions, thats what makes this whole place work.

You don't have to like me an as individual, you don't have to agree with me, you can hate my guts and  if you say it in a respectful manner, there is not a problem. You are welcome to debate and disagree if done with a respectful tone. When you loose your cool and can't take heat of a conversation, walk off and come back later its not all that hard, there are many multi page controversial subjects, that stayed in the parameters of the rules & respect that did not require the whole page to be deleted only the not so wise comments.

To All  New people here, Welcome, please read the rules so you don't start off early on this forum getting a warning or having your posts deleted. Some people come on here just to use the classifieds to sell dogs and don't read the rules, and then start bad mouthing when their posts are removed because it lacked proper information,  just takes up wasted space on this site.

One last thing, the ones that want to call me out to talk "Man to Man"  to me, well my name is Krystal Rohan,
But if you don't know me, and don't like me, then YOU can call me, "Mrs. Rohan" , This Statement is for those that had some gender issues.

Now the following is MY OWN PERSONAL VIEW, NOT NECCESSARILY THAT OF ALL MODERATORS OR ADMIN., however they are welcome to use it anytime.

For those that want to complain about this Forum, Here are three simple suggestions
Suggestion #1
There is are alot of Message Forums where some that complain on here might feel more comfortable, and for those that self admittingly have been banned and allowed to return should be the very first to seek acceptance elswhere, rather then continue to stir the pot.

Suggestion #2
Those that don't like the posts being made, there are many other threads with alot of "Happy Thoughts" to read so you don't get your panties in a wad, if that does not work for you, see suggestion #1

Suggestion #3
Keep stirring the pot and complaining, making the admin. work overtime, keep doing what you are doing and we will issue you a passport to anywhere but here.

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: matt_aggie04 on January 19, 2011, 01:10:23 pm
I like this  ;D

..."this is a private website, meaning it ain't a democracy, The Squeaking Wheel around here gets a PM, an opportunity to change behaviors, then removed, not oiled"

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: LionandBoarHunter on January 19, 2011, 01:15:00 pm
yes mam ;D

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: Cull Buck on January 19, 2011, 01:22:29 pm
Honestly, post like this don't help.  They cause more input from the peanut gallery when the gallery doesn't have a say.  I'm included in that group.  There's no way a thread like this last more than 3 pages before it causes more bitching and moaning and has to be nuked.

You are absolutely right about this not being a democracy, if someone for any reason doesn't belong here it shouldn't even have to be discussed.  They try to log in but can't and their IP address has been banned.....no need for an explanation or the reason behind the banning.  The board moves on and the banned are quickly forgotten.  Pretty simple.  Its kinda like taking out the trash.

Just my opinion.  I think the moderators and admin do a great job and I'm not telling anyone how to handle their business.  I just like to Keep It Simple.  :angel:

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: TinyTexasCowgirl on January 19, 2011, 01:38:07 pm
I feel like I should applaud and then click my heels while I salute, bit since there isn't a smiley for either I will just say

Well said Mrs. Rohan. Well said.

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: dub on January 19, 2011, 01:43:27 pm
Add a rule; No sniveling allowed at all. ;D

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: uglydog on January 19, 2011, 02:12:15 pm
Cull Buck, See I almost hate to say this but I agree with you, Thats the problem - it should be that way.
However "some" (the minority) don't get the message. They "No Saavy", it gets old for the mods and admin to have to keep taking care of it. Most don't understand how much stuff gets to "clogging" up if the "help" around here did not stay on top of it. I try to stay away from talking to these folks for obvious reasons, I get to be the messenger for those that did not get it the first three attempts when you have the rational and polite Moderators and Administrators that work on this stuff day in and day out.


Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: cole newsom on January 19, 2011, 03:40:53 pm
clapping... thats awesome.. tell em how it is.. its a lovers quirrel between 2 grown men.. lol causing all kinds of drama on a hoghuntin website. send em to face book or something..

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: grunterhunter8 on January 19, 2011, 03:59:18 pm
How about just deleting the threads that are controversial and don't add value the the forum?? Seems pretty simple. Moderators have the power to nip it in the butt but are partially to blame for allowing the threads to go on....

edit: In no way am I complaining about how this forum is run...I know its time consuming having to police the threads.

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: Circle C on January 19, 2011, 04:11:28 pm
How about just deleting the threads that are controversial and don't add value the the forum?? Seems pretty simple. Moderators have the power to nip it in the butt but are partially to blame for allowing the threads to go on....


 And it does seem pretty simple... But, if I deleted every thread I thought didn't "add value" to the forum, there would be a lot more bitching going on, maybe not in public, but certainly in private.  What the average member does not see, is that almost every post/thread I remove, I end up having to deal with a series of PM's from the person who's thread I removed, and occasionally their buddies who are also bent out of shape.

You do have a point about some threads being allowed to linger for too long...


Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: Reuben on January 19, 2011, 04:17:11 pm
I feel like I should applaud and then click my heels while I salute, bit since there isn't a smiley for either I will just say

Well said Mrs. Rohan. Well said.

x2....It couldn't of been said any better.................. popo 8)

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: M Bennet on January 19, 2011, 04:18:26 pm
nicely said cause some times it seems like high school,to much he said she said ,drama

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: grunterhunter8 on January 19, 2011, 04:22:04 pm
How about just deleting the threads that are controversial and don't add value the the forum?? Seems pretty simple. Moderators have the power to nip it in the butt but are partially to blame for allowing the threads to go on....


 And it does seem pretty simple... But, if I deleted every thread I thought didn't "add value" to the forum, there would be a lot more bitching going on, maybe not in public, but certainly in private.  What the average member does not see, is that almost every post/thread I remove, I end up having to deal with a series of PM's from the person who's thread I removed, and occasionally their buddies who are also bent out of shape.

You do have a point about some threads being allowed to linger for too long...


With all do respect, you don't have to answer them. I have already seen moderators say if  you don't like the place...leave. Just ignore the bitching and soon or later it will stop and if they want to post on here they will learn to behave, or will just leave....and that's one less trouble maker.

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: Circle C on January 19, 2011, 04:28:53 pm
How about just deleting the threads that are controversial and don't add value the the forum?? Seems pretty simple. Moderators have the power to nip it in the butt but are partially to blame for allowing the threads to go on....


 And it does seem pretty simple... But, if I deleted every thread I thought didn't "add value" to the forum, there would be a lot more bitching going on, maybe not in public, but certainly in private.  What the average member does not see, is that almost every post/thread I remove, I end up having to deal with a series of PM's from the person who's thread I removed, and occasionally their buddies who are also bent out of shape.

You do have a point about some threads being allowed to linger for too long...


With all do respect, you don't have to answer them. I have already seen moderators say if  you don't like the place...leave. Just ignore the bitching and soon or later it will stop and if they want to post on here they will learn to behave, or will just leave....and that's one less trouble maker.

You've got a point.   I try to be respectful and respond to people when they PM me. Just because someone might have made a post that was out of line, does not make them a bad person, or someone not deserving of being treated fairly. However, some are real a-holes about it... kinda like the one the other night that resulted in being banned. >:D  Maybe I'll just take your advice and see how it pans out...

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: DangerZone on January 19, 2011, 05:16:14 pm
(http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-violent105.gif) (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: djhogdogger on January 19, 2011, 05:59:59 pm
(http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-violent105.gif) (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)

Hahahahaha.....thats funny! A few years ago we used to hold ropings at our house and I ran them and I was the announcer and book keeper, so I was also the complaint department. Nothing worse than the sound of a grown man bellyaching. I used to say that i have never seen such whinny men as team ropers even though every one of them were our friends. So to all you Mods, I know exactly how you feel!

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: Mike on January 19, 2011, 07:18:19 pm
Excellant post Krystal!!! ;D

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: BarrNinja on January 19, 2011, 07:43:35 pm
Correct me if Im wrong but it seems to me that the drama is always centered around the same "few" people just about every freaking time!  ??? Just an observation.  rolleyes

Good post Krystal!  

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on January 19, 2011, 08:00:02 pm
Correct me if Im wrong but it seems to me that the drama is always centered around the same "few" people just about every freaking time!  ??? Just an observation.  rolleyes

Thanks a lot Alan. I guess I should say goodbye now. I've enjoyed my stay.

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: slimpickins on January 19, 2011, 08:06:46 pm
I spend 8 hours a day dealing with drama at work but it's with children.
It's a shame to come on here and see the same behavior from "adults".
Mods/Admin, keep after it, you're doing a fine job.

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: BobbyB on January 19, 2011, 08:22:11 pm
Being a mod can be pretty tough and thankless. I had a sampling on TDHA and I was just trying to put out a small fire before it blazed out of control and I wasnt even a Mod, just had the capabilities do do it.

Not again, not for me. Y'all do a good job here. Keep it up.

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: BarrNinja on January 19, 2011, 08:37:41 pm
Correct me if Im wrong but it seems to me that the drama is always centered around the same "few" people just about every freaking time!  ??? Just an observation.  rolleyes

Thanks a lot Alan. I guess I should say goodbye now. I've enjoyed my stay.

Whatever! I have been trying to get the mods to run your a$$ off for over a year now and they wont do it! It must be your hounds!  ;D

You are not dramatic anyway. Just annoying. :-*

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: chainrated on January 19, 2011, 08:40:33 pm
Just like every good football team, a good hog hunting board needs cheerleaders. So you don't have anything to worry about Cutter...   ;)

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: cward on January 19, 2011, 08:40:58 pm
Well I like the way it is been ran! The mods have Deleted some of my post I don't get mad if they tell me what I said or did then I apoligize and they except then we all move to another good day!
I am a grown man and sure don't mind talking in private or person about any problem I would perfer it that way!

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: cward on January 19, 2011, 08:42:34 pm
Just like every good football team, a good hog hunting board needs cheerleaders. So you don't have anything to worry about Cutter...   ;)
Raw Raw Ree Kick'em in the Knee Raw Raw Rass!! I will keep it clean for cutters sack!!

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: djhogdogger on January 19, 2011, 08:46:03 pm
Just like every good football team, a good hog hunting board needs cheerleaders. So you don't have anything to worry about Cutter...   ;)
Raw Raw Ree Kick'em in the Knee Raw Raw Rass!! I will keep it clean for cutters sack!!

Chance I know what you are trying to say but your mis spellings are making it sooooo funny!!!!

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: chainrated on January 19, 2011, 08:48:02 pm
Well I like the way it is been ran! The mods have Deleted some of my post I don't get mad if they tell me what I said or did then I apoligize and they except then we all move to another good day!

There are so many posts on here every day I dont know how any of yall keep up with it.  If I posted something that got deleted I probably wouldn't even know it..    :)

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on January 19, 2011, 08:53:25 pm
Well I like the way it is been ran! The mods have Deleted some of my post I don't get mad if they tell me what I said or did then I apoligize and they except then we all move to another good day!

There are so many posts on here every day I dont know how any of yall keep up with it.  If I posted something that got deleted I probably wouldn't even know it..    :)

That's because you're busy buying toffies at the sale barn. Just saying.  ;)

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: chainrated on January 19, 2011, 08:58:25 pm

Just sayin..  LOL

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: bayhard on January 19, 2011, 09:14:15 pm
how many time do u have to tell you kids no before they hear u my son will be a year old this week and he knows what no is how many people like cow chasing dillo chasing skunk eaters no one it gets culled if something act up to much it needs to be culled please stop posting topic about this cut the weeds if its thought im a weed cut me to do what needs to be done half my unread posts r bs

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: TexasHogDogs on January 19, 2011, 09:34:08 pm
I think Mike and his crew do a excellent job of running and moderating this forum!
Even tho I got the boot one time not long ago from putting up a video of a dog hitting a hog in the butt.  No problem with me at all my fault I done it and should not have I knew it was on the borderline when I put it on the board,  error in judgement my part . I didn't pm nobody asking to get back on the board but to show you what kind of a owner Mike is he sent me a pm explain the deal and hooked me back on.  Never been in trouble here before and I think Mike recognized that.  So anybody that says any of these people are unfair then I know from experience they are not and if someone got the boot they deserved it and if they were not let back on then that says it all.

Great forum , Great staff and Great owner thats why it is the success it is .

Jimmy Z.

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: rdjustham on January 20, 2011, 03:46:14 am

Just sayin..  LOL

Cutter he got your butt on that one..  :D :D :D Id say you lost.

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: de_moon on January 20, 2011, 10:16:48 am
I enjoy this forum a lot & I think the ETHD crew has a lot to be proud of. I'm not on here often enough to catch all the nonsense, but I feel the admins do a great job keeping everything in line.

Great post, Mrs. Rohan  ;D
Hopefully the ornery folks will take it to heart.

Title: Re: Controversy
Post by: bayhard on January 20, 2011, 12:58:15 pm
Great post, Mrs. Rohan  ;D
dont you mean sis