Title: '92 F250 4X4 Diesel Extended Cab Post by: hungry on January 20, 2011, 09:21:21 am 1992 F250 4X4 Diesel, Automatic. Only 186K miles. New glow plugs, transfer case has been rebuilt. Power locks/windows. Vinyl floors, leather front seat. Aggressive mud terrain tires with 90% tread left. Has aluminum wheels, also have steel wheels that come with it. Has scratches and dents. Used as a hunting truck. AC has a freon leak at the compressor and the power stirring has a drip. Truck runs and drives good! $4000 Call Jeremy @ 214-316-3567
Title: Re: '92 F250 4X4 Diesel Extended Cab Post by: Silverton Boar Dogs on January 20, 2011, 09:35:38 am Any pics?
Title: Re: '92 F250 4X4 Diesel Extended Cab Post by: coonhuter327 on January 20, 2011, 09:42:21 am PICS!!!! 9797337791
Title: Re: '92 F250 4X4 Diesel Extended Cab Post by: hungry on January 20, 2011, 08:09:17 pm Yes I have pics. I have been trying to post pics on here, but it keeps saying the folder is full. If you have a email address I will be happy to send some pictures. I don't have a camera phone.
Title: Re: '92 F250 4X4 Diesel Extended Cab Post by: coonhuter327 on January 20, 2011, 08:22:49 pm coonhunter327@hotmail.com