Title: My Dog Post by: Circle C on January 20, 2011, 03:13:53 pm Rec'd in email today, thought I would share.
My Dog... My dog sleeps about 20 hours a day. He has his food prepared for him. He can eat whenever he wants, 24/7/365. His meals are provided at no cost to him. He visits the Dr. once a year for his checkup, and again during the year if any medical needs arise. For this he pays nothing, and nothing is required of him. He lives in a nice neighborhood in a house that is much larger than he needs, but he is not required to do any upkeep. If he makes a mess, someone else cleans it up. He has his choice of luxurious places to sleep. He receives these accommodations absolutely free. He is living like a king, and has absolutely no expenses whatsoever. All of his costs are picked up by others who go out and earn a living every day. I was just thinking about all this, and suddenly it hit me like a brick in the head, Oh heck -- my dog is a Left Wing Loony Democrat Title: Re: My Dog Post by: Purebreedcolt on January 20, 2011, 03:25:20 pm Lmao send him to california that is funny
Title: Re: My Dog Post by: djhogdogger on January 20, 2011, 03:38:07 pm :D....Sounds like the life of most poodles. Our dogs prefer to earn their dog food. ;)
Title: Re: My Dog Post by: Peachcreek on January 20, 2011, 05:04:09 pm ;D ;D ;D ;D :)
Title: Re: My Dog Post by: Hog_Hunter_57 on January 20, 2011, 11:25:35 pm Sounds like obama
Title: Re: My Dog Post by: rdjustham on January 21, 2011, 02:09:30 am you know.. ive had those same thoughts myself.. The administration has changed in my house a couple times but the dang left winged loonies in the yard keep running off the right winged who try to change things. And to tell the truth the dogs and i both like it better this way ;) :D
Title: Re: My Dog Post by: bailey508 on January 21, 2011, 07:19:52 am Title: Re: My Dog Post by: DoGgONit on January 21, 2011, 10:36:22 am and he recieves unemployment!!!