HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Bino9905 on January 21, 2011, 11:41:16 pm

Title: wild justice show is bad!!
Post by: Bino9905 on January 21, 2011, 11:41:16 pm
Just watched the show on nat geo channel
They called hog doggers vicious and non-sporting. It said we cut the throats on the hogs to get our "fix"
Not good for the general public to be hearing stuff like that about hog doggers.

Title: Re: wild justice show is bad!!
Post by: tnhillbilly on January 22, 2011, 01:56:12 am
that sounds about right for them, and yeah, thats real bad.  Thats how most people se it.

When i went in the break room the other night and turned the tv to discovery channel, one of the guys in the break room started explaining how people hog hunted with dogs and a knife, and maaaaan, did we get an ear full,  of how would we like to be killed like that?From one of the women, in there.

Well, after watching hog wild, and some much needed explaining the truth, she seemed to calm down a little. ;D

Title: Re: wild justice show is bad!!
Post by: Peachcreek on January 22, 2011, 01:58:23 am
i will be sending them an email >:( it probably wont do any good but i think they need flooded with emails

Title: Re: wild justice show is bad!!
Post by: gtown dogger on January 22, 2011, 02:02:47 am
That are some more tree huggers ,  just that simple that never see the good in what we do.

Title: Re: wild justice show is bad!!
Post by: leonidas on January 22, 2011, 08:35:15 am
Its just another way the tree huggers are tring to get there way. Since it deals with hunting.Things that have been happening for thousands of years.Its kinda like anti gun lobbiest. They've some what given up on taking our guns away. So they put rules and reg's in front of us. Making it not worth caring a gun around or that its easy to catch a case. There tring to portray us hog doggers as satan himself. POLITICS as usaul.

Just watched the show on nat geo channel
They called hog doggers vicious and non-sporting. It said we cut the throats on the hogs to get our "fix"
Not good for the general public to be hearing stuff like that about hog doggers.

Title: Re: wild justice show is bad!!
Post by: Bayed Solid 31 on January 22, 2011, 09:19:00 am
they will be getting a email from me

Title: Re: wild justice show is bad!!
Post by: Txmason on January 22, 2011, 11:24:21 am
I have seen this show twice and they are in Calf. and do make hog hunters with dogs look like poachers and crooks.  In Calf. you have too tag hogs just like deer here and only certain places you can hunt, so a lot of differents in our state and there but it could happen here if we all don't stand together and work too keep our way of hunting with dogs legal.

Title: Re: wild justice show is bad!!
Post by: Reuben on January 22, 2011, 12:40:34 pm
I have seen this show twice and they are in Calf. and do make hog hunters with dogs look like poachers and crooks.  In Calf. you have too tag hogs just like deer here and only certain places you can hunt, so a lot of differents in our state and there but it could happen here if we all don't stand together and work too keep our way of hunting with dogs legal.

x2, we need to be very careful what type of videos and pics we post because that is exactly the ammunition the tree huggers/anti hunters are looking for to use against the hunting/fishing public. The technology that is available  today, they can edit and splice and really make us to look bad. We are fighting a loosing battle because we are losing hunters due to expense and lack of hunting land due to population growth. ALL FISHING AND HUNTING SPORTSMEN/WOMEN NEED TO STICK TOGETHER AND BRING THE YOUNG ONES TO THE SPORT BECAUSE THEY ARE THE NEXT GENERATION THAT WILL STAND FOR OUR WAY OF LIFE.

Title: Re: wild justice show is bad!!
Post by: dub on January 22, 2011, 01:01:31 pm
I would really like to see a new section on this forum for pics of hog damage. Pics of fences, telephone poles, crops, and so on that have been destroyed. I had someone tell me how wrong it was for the hogs. I said what about the family that just lost their farm and home because hogs destroyed their crops so they code not make the payment on the note. I know I have seen some pics on here. But I would like a section just for pictures and stories of the destruction caused by these "noxious beasts." I personally think that should be the term used.

a.   1.   
   1.   Hurtful; harmful; baneful; pernicious; injurious; destructive; unwholesome; insalubrious; as, noxious air, food, or climate; pernicious; corrupting to morals; as, noxious practices or examples.
Too frequent an appearance in places of public resort is noxious to spiritual promotions.
- Swift.
   2.   Guilty; criminal.
Those who are noxious in the eye of the law.

Adj.   1.   noxious - injurious to physical or mental health; "noxious chemical wastes"; "noxious ideas"

Title: Re: wild justice show is bad!!
Post by: Reuben on January 22, 2011, 01:05:48 pm

excellent suggestion, which would be the TRUTH.

Title: Re: wild justice show is bad!!
Post by: jwdeltx on January 22, 2011, 09:54:02 pm
I think the hog hunters in San Benito, Cal. Should stop hunting hogs at all ,in a few years the fish& game will be begging someone to hunt them and I hope the hunters will hold out till they put a bounty on them. Hogs will change the looks of their pretty golf courses !!!!!

Title: Re: wild justice show is bad!!
Post by: charles on January 23, 2011, 08:08:37 am
 how about we all send NGC an email. i just sent mine to them. i hope WE as a whole can try to influence these show to portray as how we are not how they want us to be.

Title: Re: wild justice show is bad!!
Post by: leonidas on January 23, 2011, 11:56:16 pm
I think the hog hunters in San Benito, Cal. Should stop hunting hogs at all ,in a few years the fish& game will be begging someone to hunt them and I hope the hunters will hold out till they put a bounty on them. Hogs will change the looks of their pretty golf courses !!!!!

Keep all the sows and start a breeding frenzy...i'm just saying...SPEED IT UP SOME LOL!

Title: Re: wild justice show is bad!!
Post by: 5150hogdogs on January 24, 2011, 02:35:45 pm
Charles what's the email for them