Title: RedNose Started Catch Dog(Pics)--SOLD--- Post by: jtrain11 on January 22, 2011, 03:08:51 pm 1 year old male. Born on December 23,2009. He has caught in bay pen many times. And he will need to be worked with to go to a bay. He still has lots of growin to do. Still got a lil puppy bark in him. Both mom and dad were big heavy dogs. So he could be the ruint of the litter jus ain't sure. And usually ruints grow to be the biggest dogs which is around 2 to 2 1/2 years. He is not aggressive around other dogs or people. Now he's weighing 55lbs and stiill growin. I know I will regret sellin him but he just eats money away I aint got. Sellin him for 150 and no less. He is well worth it. I live bout 15 min outside of Mt.Pleasant,tx and thats a lil town called omaha. More info call or text 903-767-6573
http://i1140.photobucket.com/albums/n561/jtrain111/2011-01-22_13-47-56_163.jpg http://i1140.photobucket.com/albums/n561/jtrain111/flex.jpg http://i1140.photobucket.com/albums/n561/jtrain111/2011-01-22_13-47-46_14.jpg |