Title: Cummins motor 24 valve and a 12 valve 78102 sell or trade Post by: treeingratterrier on January 23, 2011, 03:19:56 pm I have a 2001 24 valve 5.9 cummins long block core with head and valve cover, most of the other stuff been stripped off and a i have a 5. 12 valve complete with t/c and 5 speed out of a 91 3/4 dodge for sale or trade, tired of looking at em, can load it if anybody is interested in it, the 01 is on the ground and the complete 12 valve is in a dead truck with diffs pulled out, it was a runner when parked, the 24 valve knocked and i got a low mile pull out and left it on the ground where it still sitting, no fuel injection pump or any lines or starter or stuff on it but valve cover is on it, could sell the head seperate if somebody needs one to rebuild or a core. The 12 valve has a lot of miles on it so going to need a freshen up overhaul for sure.