Title: Hogdoggin Terminolgy Post by: Dogojones on January 23, 2011, 06:43:38 pm Can someone be kind enough to list the hogdoggin Terminolgy for a novice.
Gyp, rcd, treehugger, bottum dog, nut dog, cull, cur, lead dog, running dog, jam dog, rough dog, box, gator, mid range dog, bayed, blue tick, cat x ?, some are self explained but I'm sure I just named a few Title: Re: Hogdoggin Terminolgy Post by: rdjustham on January 23, 2011, 06:54:49 pm Gyp is an unbred female, RCD Running Catch Dog, nut dog pull grab a hog by the nuts to get it to stop and bay up, lead dog is usually the best in the pack, blue tick and cur are types of dogs, jam up is a term for great dog, rough dog is one that gets rough with a hog. cat is short for catahoula and the x just means its a cross. mid range dog is just that, one thats not short or long ranged but somewhere in the middle. a dog with a lotte of bottom is one that has a lot of energy and can run til the pads are worn off its feet. tree hugger you can google..lol different people have diff opinions.
Title: Re: Hogdoggin Terminolgy Post by: charles on January 23, 2011, 06:57:03 pm http://www.easttexashogdoggers.com/page6.html try this link, it gives a few of the terms and some that u didnt ask about. a cull is 1 that a bullet is worth more than the dog, a dog that has no drive or hunt ability, bayed is means when the dog got a hog, coon, squirel, cow or what ever u are hunting/ herding stoped and is lookin at the animal and barking/baying. a gator may also be refering to a line of pits and a pit that has a head like a gator, again diff folks have diff meanings, ur blue ticks are ur hounds along with a red tick which is a cross between a redbone hound and a bluetick hound. a cur is mostly refered to as a bmc ( black mouth cur) or a catahoula cur. u also have help dogs which are just that help, they arent sharp enough to get out and find a hog but is there at a bay to help keep the animal hemed up or bayed up, a strike dog is a dog that gets out there and strikes/ finds the hogs trail and starts runnin the trail
Title: Re: Hogdoggin Terminolgy Post by: Dogojones on January 23, 2011, 07:26:56 pm Thanks for the link and help guys
Title: Re: Hogdoggin Terminolgy Post by: BobbyB on January 23, 2011, 11:38:11 pm and barr is a daddy didn't marry mommyized version of barrow or a cut male hog. Just in case.
And all my life a gyp has been used to refer to a female and dog in reference to a male. Title: Re: Hogdoggin Terminolgy Post by: Heaven Sent Kennel on January 24, 2011, 12:20:32 am since this topic was started what is....BTT, and TT on the boards. I've seen it alot and still don't have those 2 figured out lol
Title: Re: Hogdoggin Terminolgy Post by: Peachcreek on January 24, 2011, 12:35:24 am it is used to move the thread back "to the top" thus making the thread at the top of the list. tt is to top and ttt is to the top and bttt back.... bump is used to to bump it to the top... i am such a nerd ;D
Title: Re: Hogdoggin Terminolgy Post by: tnhillbilly on January 24, 2011, 12:43:03 am since this topic was started what is....BTT, and TT on the boards. I've seen it alot and still don't have those 2 figured out lol BTT= Back To Top, brings the thread back up to the top. LOL Peachcreek beat me to it, but done a much finer job. Title: Re: Hogdoggin Terminolgy Post by: Heaven Sent Kennel on January 24, 2011, 12:56:06 am hmmm....interesting...thanks for filling me in guys
Title: Re: Hogdoggin Terminolgy Post by: DangerZone on January 24, 2011, 12:05:20 pm Is there a common term for a sow that has good size cutters? I trapped a sow one time I though it was a boar till I got it out of the trap and an old Farmer called her something and I can't remember what it was..
Title: Re: Hogdoggin Terminolgy Post by: josh hennes on January 24, 2011, 02:56:21 pm Up here in Montana, a red tick is an English hound, not a cross bred dog. A gator is a dog that fights with other dogs at a bay or tree, usually started by face barking and the offender quickly becomes a cull if it survives the fight he caused. All breeds have a tendancy to it and it is easily broke, walkers are notorious for it. ;)
Title: Re: Hogdoggin Terminolgy Post by: BobbyB on January 24, 2011, 03:03:36 pm and barr is a daddy didn't marry mommyized version of barrow or a cut male hog. Just in case. And all my life a gyp has been used to refer to a female and dog in reference to a male. For the record, I didnt say that, but I am guessing the word I did use had me walking a thin line and a mod save my behind :o |