Title: Boar bib for a strike dog?? Post by: TX HOG on January 24, 2011, 08:14:32 pm Well I'm thinkin about making a rough dog team. By that I mean a group of dogs that are 100% catch. So what do y'all think about running this type of dog with a boar bib? Will it be able to hunt and run down a hog like it would if it wasn't wearing anything at all?
Title: Re: Boar bib for a hunting dog?? Post by: 5150hogdogs on January 25, 2011, 08:51:18 am I was wondering the same thing how they work and are they better than a vest?
Title: Re: Boar bib for a strike dog?? Post by: Cull Buck on January 25, 2011, 09:59:34 am I've gone thru a couple of bibs so here are my thoughts....
1. The regular bib is not stout enough IMO. Had one and it looked like swiss cheese in no time. Holes and cuts all thru it. 2. Had one made with 2 layers of kevlar added to it and it was much more adequate with very little weight gain. Only got one small poke thru on it. I think the kevlar added $20-$25 to the price tag. 3. It works great for catchy dogs because most of the damage they take in is in the chest and neck area, or at least that's the way it is with mine. Rough dogs are more sporadic and take more random hits so the bib is a little less effective. 4. If it fits properly it should have little effect on the dogs mobilty and speed. I ran it on a dog that was a fine strike dog and he would get out and go with a bib on. 5. I sold the dog because I wanted to move away from the rough stuff and as part of the sale I made sure the bib went with the dog. There's little doubt the bib has extened that dogs life. 6. For guys that don't run vest on the CD's during the summer this would be a great alternative to just a cut collar. That's my 2 cents Title: Re: Boar bib for a strike dog?? Post by: 5150hogdogs on January 25, 2011, 10:08:32 am Thanks cull buck
Title: Re: Boar bib for a strike dog?? Post by: TX HOG on January 25, 2011, 12:05:13 pm Thanks cull buck. Good bib review
Title: Re: Boar bib for a strike dog?? Post by: skunkhounds on January 25, 2011, 04:47:55 pm i use them on all my curs and i agree wit cull buck might need to check on the kevlar
Title: Re: Boar bib for a strike dog?? Post by: kbar on January 26, 2011, 12:47:36 pm I've gone thru a couple of bibs so here are my thoughts.... CULL BUCK IS 100% RIGHT FROM #1-61. The regular bib is not stout enough IMO. Had one and it looked like swiss cheese in no time. Holes and cuts all thru it. 2. Had one made with 2 layers of kevlar added to it and it was much more adequate with very little weight gain. Only got one small poke thru on it. I think the kevlar added $20-$25 to the price tag. 3. It works great for catchy dogs because most of the damage they take in is in the chest and neck area, or at least that's the way it is with mine. Rough dogs are more sporadic and take more random hits so the bib is a little less effective. 4. If it fits properly it should have little effect on the dogs mobilty and speed. I ran it on a dog that was a fine strike dog and he would get out and go with a bib on. 5. I sold the dog because I wanted to move away from the rough stuff and as part of the sale I made sure the bib went with the dog. There's little doubt the bib has extened that dogs life. 6. For guys that don't run vest on the CD's during the summer this would be a great alternative to just a cut collar. That's my 2 cents we just started running them on our rcd's and they are already shredded...we sent them to a freind to get them fixed up with some kevlar. they do work great and the dogs dont get hot at all with them on, and it will help keep your dogs alive longer....i started running them after one of my strike dogs got cut right under were a regular cut collar ends he rolled of the hog and ran about 30 yards and bled out before we killed the hog. i have one cat male that is full catch and he has got cut in the same spot(the juggular) 2 times...luckely i have cought it quick enough to stop the bleeding and sew him up. i fill a lot better now that im running the bibs on my dogs. dont know why i didnt do it sooner :/ mrs.kbar Title: Re: Boar bib for a strike dog?? Post by: roosterhogdogin on January 27, 2011, 10:34:08 am hey guys look into the hardcore hogdoggers strike vest it works purty good on my dog.
Title: Re: Boar bib for a strike dog?? Post by: kbar on January 27, 2011, 12:30:20 pm hey guys look into the hardcore hogdoggers strike vest it works purty good on my dog. I think they make a bib to, i havent got to try it though....it looks pretty tuff. :) Mrs. kbar |