Title: my feelings Post by: bayhard on January 27, 2011, 07:39:44 am the way that i have acted on here in the last month or to is wrong i should of keep my feelings to myself and not posted them mike i took what u said to heart and i have made up my mind not to hunt i just wont to say im sorry for speaking my mind on here not wonting to start any fires
Title: Re: my feelings Post by: uglydog on January 27, 2011, 10:03:21 am harry you should hunt the Contest, you know you are gonna regret if you miss out winning a buckle!
Title: Re: my feelings Post by: bayhard on January 27, 2011, 11:42:49 am I can buy one for $300 but thanks for ur reply. I've had it over my head.
Title: Re: my feelings Post by: Circle C on January 27, 2011, 11:53:36 am Harry,
I don't plan to hunt contest this year either... . Now, If I had a feedlot, or some similar type place to hunt, I would. With the properties that I have, they don't produce contest winning hogs. There seems to be a break over point that it is no longer worth the entry fee for me. This year has reached that point. Now I will still hunt, and if I catch anything decent that weekend, I'll bring the pork in and donate it. I like going to the expo to see old friends, and meet people. I've thought about putting on a little side tournament with some people that don't want to pay the entry fee. Maybe put in a $100.00 (100% payout) per team, and then just take all the hogs to the expo to donate the meat.... But I haven't put anything together yet. Title: Re: my feelings Post by: Mike on January 27, 2011, 12:20:50 pm Harry, you haven't done anything wrong here... sometimes you have to say what's on your mind. ;)
Title: Re: my feelings Post by: bayhard on January 27, 2011, 01:31:19 pm i dont try to stir the pot im 27 years old and and respectful young men willing to help anyone ive been told alot that you dont get a head in life for being nice but for me its for the freindship nothing else i love to hunt and i like to talk to people about hunting sometimes i get a bur under my saddle and like most i dont like it ur contest would be a nice thing but it would be unfair to donate meat and not money so if u would gave tdha 20% then i would be fair i dont wont to stair the pot so thats how i feel
Title: Re: my feelings Post by: Circle C on January 27, 2011, 01:38:13 pm I would be game for an 80% payout too. I'll ask around and see if it's worth fooling with.
Title: Re: my feelings Post by: cward on January 27, 2011, 01:42:40 pm I'm game how would it work! I game to enter both!
Title: Re: my feelings Post by: Circle C on January 27, 2011, 02:20:11 pm Chance,
Let me do some thinking on it. There are going to be plenty of hunters this weekend, that will also be hunting the contest. We will brainstorm and see if we can "connect the dots" ;) BTW, Will the Ward family be heading west this weekend? Title: Re: my feelings Post by: de_moon on January 27, 2011, 02:39:33 pm BTW, Will the Ward family be heading west this weekend? I hope so Title: Re: my feelings Post by: de_moon on January 27, 2011, 02:41:23 pm Your $100 contest sounds like a good idea to me
Title: Re: my feelings Post by: Circle C on January 27, 2011, 02:47:28 pm Chance,
I think you and the rest of the Ward clan need to load up some horses and Donk and come on out. De_moon says his mare might be a bit cold backed, and I've got a Daisy Red Rider with a fresh tin of ammo. I think we can have some good laughs. Title: Re: my feelings Post by: T-Bob Parker on January 27, 2011, 02:48:02 pm thats a little more in my ballpark. it stinks when your pretty positive your spots dont have any prize winning trophy hogs but you gotta throw in big sums of cash only to lose it, ive been wanting to find a few contests that i could actually have a shot at competing in.
Title: Re: my feelings Post by: de_moon on January 27, 2011, 03:28:09 pm Circle C,
I'm bringing trusty ol Honda as well. You can plink the tires all you want. Thanks for the heads up Title: Re: my feelings Post by: Circle C on January 27, 2011, 03:33:01 pm I just spoke with the second in command at the Ward household, Chance. He said they will be there.
Derick, If you our gonna cheat by using a wheeler, then I get to step up the caliber a notch. I'll go with some 22 cb's ;D Title: Re: my feelings Post by: cward on January 27, 2011, 03:53:43 pm I promise you I am first in command around here when I pick my foot she is allowed to speak!! ;)
De moon leave the honda at home it makes it to easy to say not today!! I'm sure everyone wants to see you on that horse be like a parade or something you way as you are going through the air! Title: Re: my feelings Post by: sfboarbuster on January 27, 2011, 04:06:39 pm De_moon says his mare might be a bit cold backed, and I've got a Daisy Red Rider with a fresh tin of ammo. I think we can have some good laughs. That ain't even funny! I finally brought my horse out of the nice tropical south florida, and just learned he's a bit cold backed the hard way! Title: Re: my feelings Post by: Circle C on January 27, 2011, 04:26:32 pm De_moon says his mare might be a bit cold backed, and I've got a Daisy Red Rider with a fresh tin of ammo. I think we can have some good laughs. That ain't even funny! I finally brought my horse out of the nice tropical south florida, and just learned he's a bit cold backed the hard way! He's used to a rodeo. His younger brother originally owned our old catch dog Meathead. One day Derick was out riding a young horse, and his younger brother cut loose some cur pups, well the pups went to baying the horse. Which ordinarily would not be a big deal, but considering Meathead was loose, and he would catch ANYTHING that was bayed....ol Derick was in for a ride when Meathead latched on :o I figure a few plinks from a Red Rider won't be too bad >:D Title: Re: my feelings Post by: de_moon on January 27, 2011, 07:43:35 pm That was a WRECK waiting to happen!! I'll go into details this weekend after a beverage or two.
For now, I'll just say that ol Meathead was a hell of a catchdog. :o Title: Re: my feelings Post by: slimpickins on January 27, 2011, 08:29:22 pm I'm almost giddy as a school girl, were pulling out in 11 hours, a 9 hour drive and I doubt I'll sleep tonight.
See you hookers at the ranch bout 3, I hope. Title: Re: my feelings Post by: Mike on January 27, 2011, 08:36:01 pm Cody, ya'll be careful driving down... i'll see you about 9 tomorrow night.
Title: Re: my feelings Post by: Circle C on January 27, 2011, 09:29:16 pm Looks like we fairly well hijacked this thread....
I'm hooked up and ready. Just have to load the horses and dogs then go pull Kailey out of school in the morning and I will be westbound. Title: Re: my feelings Post by: de_moon on January 28, 2011, 05:57:04 am Hookers?? :o Maybe I should stay home??
You guys be careful traveling & I'll see ya'll Saturday morning. Harry, sorry that we hijacked your post. You are entitled to your feelings & opinion. Title: Re: my feelings Post by: bayhard on January 28, 2011, 08:21:16 am Thanks for hijacking my post hope to see pics of u in the air when ur horse sends u to the moon and cant say i no anything about a hunt