HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: Black&Yellow on February 06, 2011, 06:26:24 am

Title: 2-5-11 A ten min puppy hunt with their mom!
Post by: Black&Yellow on February 06, 2011, 06:26:24 am
Jimbob owns two 11 month old puppies that are the best that ive ever laid eyes on. The mom dog has produced some good dogs in her past and is a excellent dog her self. Turn the clue and cat loose with their mom sara. Clue located and barked a few times wih in a mins time caught the hog and heard it squeal. It was just me and jimbob and his daughter. We got over there in time to take some really good action pictures cauvght stuck and collars off the dogs in ten min i dont think anyone would of begged to differ. Awesome hunt some really great dogs!

Me flipping the hog over with the knife in my mouth jimbob was taking pictures

The bulldog coming in to catch the hog

Clue, cat and sara
From the left is clue then cat and then sara to the far right

Title: Re: 2-6-11 Aten min puppy hunt with their mom!
Post by: bailey508 on February 06, 2011, 07:25:20 am
nice pics

Title: Re: 2-6-11 Aten min puppy hunt with their mom!
Post by: DubbleRDawgs on February 06, 2011, 09:49:40 am
good hog and good looking dogs ..nice pics too

Title: Re: 2-6-11 Aten min puppy hunt with their mom!
Post by: coolarrowzone_06 on February 06, 2011, 09:53:24 am
Good team work an nice pics.

Title: Re: 2-5-11 A ten min puppy hunt with their mom!
Post by: jdt on February 07, 2011, 11:16:35 am
good deal ! that cowboy sure puts the leg on them pups , and the bone to go with it . cant wait till mine get old enough to start using .