HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Noah on February 07, 2011, 09:38:57 pm

Title: "Genetic collector.... art of dogs...."
Post by: Noah on February 07, 2011, 09:38:57 pm
I can feel myself being pulled into a world of "genetic collecting"....  this "hog dog" thing is becoming more of an art form to me than a sport...

I'ts not just the destination... it's how you get there that make the experience whole for me...

I remember seeing paintings of my grandfathers setters on point.... beautiful, square headed dogs... as much a trophy of the hunt as the birds themselves were....

Title: Re: "Genetic collector.... art of dogs...."
Post by: Purebreedcolt on February 07, 2011, 09:43:15 pm
Wow just that is deep man lol never thaught of it like that.  How true u are

Title: Re: "Genetic collector.... art of dogs...."
Post by: Doggie on February 07, 2011, 09:44:59 pm
Noah, I believe your name should have been Socrates. Sometimes wonder if that hat you wear ain't just a bit too tight :).

Title: Re: "Genetic collector.... art of dogs...."
Post by: Noah on February 07, 2011, 09:55:35 pm
HaHA! That's ok, yall are my outlet for alot of deeeep thoughts... hope you don't mind  ;)

I guess I've gotten to a point that I can recognize an animal now when I see it... an animal that is the product of a man's life... I've seen what single minded obsession can produce in animals...

To see the end product, most people can not percieve the incredible effort that went into the improvement. 

"Bumping" along these ranches over here, these "examples" of an individual's "vision" occasionally pop up.... those with a keen eye recognize and pounce on these genetics and guard them respectfully...

Title: Re: "Genetic collector.... art of dogs...."
Post by: Oly on February 08, 2011, 07:32:07 am
this thread has POTENTIAL  ;D  ;D  ;D



I think this thread can go hand in hand with this post I made


What do you think Noah???

Title: Re: "Genetic collector.... art of dogs...."
Post by: firemedic on February 08, 2011, 08:39:04 am
Hhhhhhhmmmm.......come back as a cat Yoda has......

Title: Re: "Genetic collector.... art of dogs...."
Post by: Cull Buck on February 08, 2011, 08:39:29 am
I can feel myself being pulled into a world of "genetic collecting"....  this "hog dog" thing is becoming more of an art form to me than a sport...

I'ts not just the destination... it's how you get there that make the experience whole for me...

I remember seeing paintings of my grandfathers setters on point.... beautiful, square headed dogs... as much a trophy of the hunt as the birds themselves were....

I sure wish you lived closer so we could hunt together.  We are on the exact same page.

Title: Re: "Genetic collector.... art of dogs...."
Post by: Noah on February 08, 2011, 05:42:21 pm
Oly, posted on your topic... I agree

Thanks Cull Buck, so do I.   

Title: Re: "Genetic collector.... art of dogs...."
Post by: Oly on February 09, 2011, 05:58:39 am
Thank you Noah--- I forgot to tell you we have a friend in common ---Josh Faulkner (La historia Dogos).


Title: Re: "Genetic collector.... art of dogs...."
Post by: Reuben on February 09, 2011, 07:22:49 am
HaHA! That's ok, yall are my outlet for alot of deeeep thoughts... hope you don't mind  ;)

I guess I've gotten to a point that I can recognize an animal now when I see it... an animal that is the product of a man's life... I've seen what single minded obsession can produce in animals...

To see the end product, most people can not percieve the incredible effort that went into the improvement.  

"Bumping" along these ranches over here, these "examples" of an individual's "vision" occasionally pop up.... those with a keen eye recognize and pounce on these genetics and guard them respectfully...

Not everyone has the ability to see the big picture... and at the same time appreciate the fine details. ??? :)

Title: Re: "Genetic collector.... art of dogs...."
Post by: Reuben on February 09, 2011, 07:35:51 am
I can feel myself being pulled into a world of "genetic collecting"....  this "hog dog" thing is becoming more of an art form to me than a sport...

I'ts not just the destination... it's how you get there that make the experience whole for me...

I remember seeing paintings of my grandfathers setters on point.... beautiful, square headed dogs... as much a trophy of the hunt as the birds themselves were....

The setters from thoses days were square headed for brain power but look at todays english/irish setters. They have that pin head look that does not allow for brains...

Title: Re: "Genetic collector.... art of dogs...."
Post by: Noah on February 09, 2011, 07:58:45 pm
The setters from thoses days were square headed for brain power but look at todays english/irish setters. They have that pin head look that does not allow for brains...

I thought I was the only one that noticed that... Look at the black and white pictures of pointers, setters, sh!t, even hounds from 50 yrs ago... then look at what's out there today and tell me which one you'd rather have...  Not sure how these genetics have been lost, but they have for the most part...

And Reuben, it'd be my honor to raise and hunt one of your dogs.  Just make sure it comes out built like that dark brindle dog in the back of the truck!!!!  ;D  You and I seem to be on the same page...  You been able to hunt with Scott L's dogs lately?

Title: Re: "Genetic collector.... art of dogs...."
Post by: NechesBobcat on February 09, 2011, 11:22:46 pm
I understand exactly what you're talking about. I love a good looking dog. So many people just don't understand. I've had half a dozen people ask me what kind of lab my BMC is and I've had TONS of people tell me they have a cur dog that couldn't be any further from a cur dog. There's alot of trash out there that needs to be culled.

Title: Re: "Genetic collector.... art of dogs...."
Post by: Reuben on February 09, 2011, 11:45:02 pm

Haven't had a chance to hunt with Scott. He is working quite a bit right now.
My favorite time of the year to hunt is January thru the end of March and I am working 75 hrs a week until early March so I haven't been able to go.

I am going to breed a black brindle mtn cur gyp to that male you are talking about.