HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: jdt on February 11, 2011, 02:11:13 pm

Title: well it worked in egypt !
Post by: jdt on February 11, 2011, 02:11:13 pm
wonder if it would work here!  O0 :)

Title: Re: well it worked in egypt !
Post by: arrowbar on February 11, 2011, 02:12:38 pm
I'm in  ;D ;)

Title: Re: well it worked in egypt !
Post by: Cristina on February 11, 2011, 02:33:43 pm
omg I was thinkin the same lol

Title: Re: well it worked in egypt !
Post by: aladatrot on February 11, 2011, 03:30:04 pm
Yall don't get too excited now. Don't you know that our President hears the voices of the people in the streets loud and clear as long as they aren't Americans? He heard the voices of Americans back in September and he still doesn't get what they were saying. Somehow, American voices were saying "We don't want your policies or your healthcare", and he heard "We think you are doing a great job, but invite the Republicans to some birthday parties so they don't feel left out". I don't know how he got that, perhaps next time our voting results should be sent to him with captions since his hearing isn't too good.


Title: Re: well it worked in egypt !
Post by: Peachcreek on February 11, 2011, 05:45:05 pm
Great minds think alike ;D  we should all take up coon huntin for a week and head to Washington DC and see if we can tree the ace boon coon.  O0 we would all be known as the tree party. corny i know :)