Title: Pet pig for trade Post by: mdc4444 on February 17, 2011, 05:04:50 pm Got a pet russain pig she's a sow prolly 30lbs an jus keeps gettin BIGGER she rootin up the front yard got get rid of her lol got to much money in her to just sale but would like to try an trade her for sumthin lol she's pure tame u can pet her she's just like a lil dog u can see pics of her on the general disscussion called my pet piggy thanks not sure wat I would trade for but jus hit me thanks! Call or txt 254-592-4984
Title: Re: Pet pig for trade Post by: mdc4444 on February 17, 2011, 06:24:26 pm Could really use a small vest if anybody would want to trade one or has one they don't use.
Title: Re: Pet pig for trade Post by: mdc4444 on February 17, 2011, 07:24:09 pm Would make a good late valentines gift for your old lady;) haha she comes in the house all the time an knows to stay away from dogs lol