HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: Noah on March 06, 2011, 05:54:29 pm

Title: NO PIC HUNT!!! 3.6.11
Post by: Noah on March 06, 2011, 05:54:29 pm
So had a hunt line up for Sunday, but got roped into huntin' Saturday to keep the rancher happy... so bein' the ever resourcefull person I am, invited a good hound friend of mine to come hunt with us, so as to save my dogs for the next day...  ;D

Dumped his dogs out an' ran a 30# shoat for over 3 hours... got his dogs caught up about the time the heat of the day started kickin' in and kicked Shine and Camo out and had a good boar caught in about 10 minutes...

Went to hunt the other ranch today... too busy killin' hogs and gettin' cut by sawgrass to take any pictures... ;D  Got to get me a go-pro...

At one point, had two young men from our huntin' party get behind in the sawgrass and got caught in quicksand....  :o  I about got caught by it myself.... but was able to claw my way out with the help of ol' Bucho pullin' me to the bay!!!! LOCK IN THE HUBS BUCHO!!!! ;D  ....... Poor boys got left behind(forgive me Lord  ;D)  and 20 minutes after we got the hog caught and killed found out the boys were still stuck up to their neck.... in tears.... screaming for help....  :o ;D   Got 'em pulled out an' had some good laughs afterwords!!!  ;D

There some bad chit in these here sawgrass patches...  :o :o ;D  Don't even want ta think about the moccasins we crawled over today....

Title: Re: NO PIC HUNT!!! 3.6.11
Post by: JDJP on March 07, 2011, 06:36:50 am
Wow stuck up to their necks id be getting worried too. Sounds sketchy.

Title: Re: NO PIC HUNT!!! 3.6.11
Post by: ESTEBAN_B on March 07, 2011, 11:43:38 am
were they really up to their necks? or are you exagerating a bit?  :o :o :o

Title: Re: NO PIC HUNT!!! 3.6.11
Post by: firemedic on March 08, 2011, 09:50:32 am
Sounds like my kind of adventure!!!! Thanks for sharing with us Bud.