Title: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: Yeller305 on March 07, 2011, 04:19:38 pm I always tend to strive for the best protection for my dogs and although I can read all the information I want nothing is more informative and knowledgeable then experience. So whats the best cut gear you have ever use or used?
best bay vest? best catch vest? best collar? Curios to know. Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: BULLMASTER on March 07, 2011, 04:32:54 pm I have tried several different vest and collars and have to say I like UglyDogs stuff the best,stay away from Custom Collars or Confederate Kennels products.I also like Hoot Gibsons gear,especially the cut collars.
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: Purebreedcolt on March 07, 2011, 04:43:56 pm Do a search but ugly dog larry parish and hard core kennels is the only three I would run vests cut collars I like the ones I build
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: Yeller305 on March 07, 2011, 04:51:12 pm hear alot about larry but never able to get in contact with him, anyone know what he makes his vest outta?
also what bout hoot gibson never heard of him? Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: Purebreedcolt on March 07, 2011, 04:55:55 pm Heard about hoots vests never seen one several on here like them just don't have any first hand experience with them but do with the three I mentioned. Have some ezperience with others I would not even put on a loose baying dog lol
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: Yeller305 on March 07, 2011, 05:00:14 pm and what might those be?
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: BULLMASTER on March 07, 2011, 06:01:52 pm I cant speak for everybody but I wouldnt use a vest or collar from TX Confederate Kennels if they were free.
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: redneckrambo96 on March 07, 2011, 06:10:25 pm I run a cut vest from custom collars and its been real good it has a cut collar built into it its all ballistic nylon
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: ChaseG on March 07, 2011, 06:29:20 pm All the collars I run are from customcollars. I've never had a problem with them and they have took a beating. Now their vests I'm not so big on. I went through two like paper. I run a tejas and a uglydog vest now. I like them. The ugly dog is better. But my next vest will be a Larry parish vest. Which hopefully I'll be buying it soon.
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: waylon-N.E. OK on March 07, 2011, 06:35:58 pm All I have now is custom collars gear, all my friends here use only there gear. None of us have ever had a single issue with any of there gear, never had a vest fail or there gear come apart or rub a dog raw ect. ect. ect. and there well priced as well. I did own a ugly dog kevlar not long ago, it was a good vest as well no complaints about it except the price compared to custom collars, other than that they were about equal in all respects.
God bless, Waylon Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: Purebreedcolt on March 07, 2011, 06:36:53 pm I aint going to knock anyones vest just say these are the ones I would and or do run and anything that is just balistic nylon I would stay away from.
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: sgt.davis on March 07, 2011, 07:16:07 pm hear alot about larry but never able to get in contact with him, anyone know what he makes his vest outta? also what bout hoot gibson never heard of him? He has good stuff and is good people.He aint gotta web site you gotta call him 580-931-7446. Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: kbar on March 07, 2011, 08:43:27 pm I recently(couple months ago) bought 2 boar bibs from wild boar usa and they are shredded....they look like swiss cheese, so we were talking to freinds and i know not every one likes josh(l3outdoors) and i dont hunt like they do, but he made a bib for us and it is AWESOME.....WE HAVE BEEN ON SOME RANK TOOTHY BOARS AND NOT ONE HOLE IN IT...SCUFFED UP SOME....BUT NOTHING HAS CUT THROUGH IT....i would recomened his bibs anyday. ymo, Mrs.Kbar
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: dub on March 07, 2011, 10:00:09 pm I aint going to knock anyones vest just say these are the ones I would and or do run and anything that is just balistic nylon I would stay away from. X2 Ballistic Nylon is not rated high enough on cut resistance. The cut resistant material goes on the inside. So it may look shredded but what about the dog? A frag jacket even with plates is good for saving your life once. A direct hit will damage Codura or whatever is on the inside. Layers make everything more cut resistant. But pound for pound the Kevlar will give better protection if handled correctly.Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: uglydog on March 08, 2011, 10:52:50 am My catch dogs wear Kevlar and Kevlar only. I vcan say that I have owned almost one of every type and brand out there.
My preference is the Devastator that is sold by Wild Boar USA/Uglydog ranch, I use some of their other vests also but the Devastor is the best all around protection, light weight, cool in summer, dog can swim in it, run it with full range of motion and jump in it ALL DAY LONG without rubbing sores if a dog gets underneath a hog it can still get to its feet and not be like a turtle. It fits more types and builds of dogs than any other vest on the market, from Dogos to little squatty pit bulls and even cur dogs. Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: bailey508 on March 08, 2011, 11:50:04 am we use armadillo gear...works gand fits great
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: make-em-squeel on March 08, 2011, 02:45:55 pm I have had Great success with Duncans pig dog supply and J S enterprise. Ive used the duncan a little longer, about a year now but its really quality stuff. There is no seperation between the vest and collar and offers all the protection and maximum agility without any chafing of the legs. I send them measurements that go back longer to the ribs since I use lead in cd's and the Aussie style typically only covers the front shoulders. I can post a pic if interested, I believe its seatbelt material.
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: make-em-squeel on March 08, 2011, 02:48:14 pm I recently(couple months ago) bought 2 boar bibs from wild boar usa and they are shredded....they look like swiss cheese, so we were talking to freinds and i know not every one likes josh(l3outdoors) and i dont hunt like they do, but he made a bib for us and it is AWESOME.....WE HAVE BEEN ON SOME RANK TOOTHY BOARS AND NOT ONE HOLE IN IT...SCUFFED UP SOME....BUT NOTHING HAS CUT THROUGH IT....i would recomened his bibs anyday. ymo, Mrs.Kbar I bought 3 bay vests from them as well and they are horrible, very dissapointed with durability and always rubs the dogs raw. I even bought their knife and it was like taking a spoon hunting... >:( And I agree the duncan stuff from josh is much better, especially for the hot days I would usually only use a collar on the cd. Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: Yeller305 on March 08, 2011, 02:53:44 pm Getting some real good stuff here.
hear alot bout cut gear i have never heard of or dont know where to get. regardless another question to y'all you guys say a certain brand but what model of that brand ugly dog or custom collars or Duncan pig gear Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: Cull Buck on March 08, 2011, 03:01:17 pm I recently(couple months ago) bought 2 boar bibs from wild boar usa and they are shredded....they look like swiss cheese, so we were talking to freinds and i know not every one likes josh(l3outdoors) and i dont hunt like they do, but he made a bib for us and it is AWESOME.....WE HAVE BEEN ON SOME RANK TOOTHY BOARS AND NOT ONE HOLE IN IT...SCUFFED UP SOME....BUT NOTHING HAS CUT THROUGH IT....i would recomened his bibs anyday. ymo, Mrs.Kbar I tell everyone that the regular bib offers very little protection. Now take that same bib and add two layers of kevlar and you have a very useable piece of equipment that offers significant protection for catchy dogs. Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: country man 563 on March 08, 2011, 04:47:38 pm Hoot Gibson on the cut collars, and ugly dog on the vests
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: HDCURS on March 09, 2011, 07:10:20 am Larry Paris p&p hunting supply is the way to go if anything ever happens to one of his products a buckle ripping of or anything send it back and he'll fix it I would stay away from the devastater to much money and not enough protection got some big holes ripped in one on the first use my buddy called them and they didn't want to fix or replace it
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: Brad W. on March 09, 2011, 08:30:35 am Does P&P Hunting Supply have a website? If so anyone know the link?
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: Circle C on March 09, 2011, 08:58:06 am Larry Paris p&p hunting supply is the way to go if anything ever happens to one of his products a buckle ripping of or anything send it back and he'll fix it I would stay away from the devastater to much money and not enough protection got some big holes ripped in one on the first use my buddy called them and they didn't want to fix or replace it I may jinx myself, but Tyson was on all of these pigs wearing his Devastator vest. He has had staples twice in his life. Once when he was cut just above both eyes running through a barbed wire fence. The other time, he got the skin on his thigh cut, while making a bad catch on a small hog in Oklahoma. He's been on enough hogs with the equipment to do some damage, that I feel confident in the Devastator vest. I've heard of a couple people having theirs cut through. I guess I just haven't met with the right/wrong hog yet. (http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p204/ccoughran/DSC01882-1.jpg) (http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p204/ccoughran/DSC_0291-1.jpg) (http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p204/ccoughran/DSC_0687.jpg) (http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p204/ccoughran/IMGA0066.jpg) (http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p204/ccoughran/DSC_0106.jpg) (http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p204/ccoughran/DSC_0265.jpg) (http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p204/ccoughran/pretransfer018.jpg) Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: Circle C on March 09, 2011, 09:04:35 am It should be noted that the vest I mentioned in the above post was modified immediately after I purchased it. I had a superman patch sewn on the front of Tyson's vest... It could be that the extra layer from the superman patch has saved him, but there are no holes anywhere else in the vest either. ???
(http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p204/ccoughran/DSC01687.jpg) Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: boarmom on March 09, 2011, 12:17:02 pm We listen to our customers. Check out the new kevlar boar bib!
http://stores.intuitwebsites.com/WildBoarUSA/-strse-107/K.-TEXAS-BOAR-BIB/Detail.bok Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: TT on March 09, 2011, 06:09:20 pm larys vest h&h cut collars but last time tried call jonny couldnt get him now i get cut collars from lary or hoot gibson wich is now carla wich is who i get my permalon colars from have had a cut collars from just bout every company that makes one those are just the peoples i like
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: HDCURS on March 09, 2011, 08:09:44 pm I don't post or take a bunch of pictures but I catch plenty of hogs the vest even had two extra layers added to it when bought I'll get someone to post pcs of the vest from last week
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: TColt on March 09, 2011, 08:31:21 pm I only run cut gear on my cd, I used to run an ugly dog cut collar, I really liked it but I wish they made one that is five inches, and maybe one with a chin flap. When I first started him I used full cut gear from ugly dog and it was good, never had any problems with cuts goin through it. I ran a bay vest on my dogo also. I liked the open leg holes and how light it was.
After that I got a breast plate made my L3. I liked it alot and nothin had a chance to go through that thing, but it was really stiff and never loosened up. It still allowed my dogo to run really well in it though, almost worked like a shell the he moved inside of lol. Gave that to my cousin and he likes it alot. Now im running a duncans breast plate. I like it for the most part. Been on some bad boars with it and nothin comes close to goin through it. Its made of seatbelt. I dont like how close the leg holes come up behind the back legs, blocks a little bit of movement but nothing like a full vest. I really like the attached cut collar, chin flap, and how flexible it is. This is when the duncan was brand new (http://i859.photobucket.com/albums/ab156/TColt/68b61af6.jpg) Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: SwampHunter on March 09, 2011, 08:35:02 pm Does P&P Hunting Supply have a website? If so anyone know the link? no website but he has good stuff , what are you looking for im sure someone can post a pic of it if you ask what you wanna see Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: M Bennet on March 09, 2011, 10:05:07 pm this is the vest HDCRS is talking about he put 2 fingers through it
(http://i680.photobucket.com/albums/vv164/montybennet/02-27-11_09101.jpg) this was the hog (http://i680.photobucket.com/albums/vv164/montybennet/066_151.jpg) this vest is for sale 806 392 2142 Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: kbar on March 09, 2011, 10:16:39 pm Boarmom- i like the way the bib fits....can we send yall the two collars we bought and have the kavlar added to it? and how much would yall charge? one has holes in it almost all over and the other is in good shape. thanks, mrs. kbar
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: HS on March 09, 2011, 10:19:13 pm monty thats y I ordered me a new vest from larry parish, that devastator I had got a few pokes thru it already so I said the heck with it!!
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: Circle C on March 09, 2011, 10:23:08 pm Hdcurs,
I may be mistaken, yours looks like a guardian vest to me. are you sure its.the devastator? Good hog, and its unfortunate that your vest was cut through. Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: HDCURS on March 10, 2011, 06:57:52 am Heck I could be mistaken alls I know is there is a two inch hole in the chest of it and I'm sorry if I offended anybody I wasn't trying to start any conflict just stating my luck and opinion. Jordy
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: Circle C on March 10, 2011, 08:29:57 am Heck I could be mistaken alls I know is there is a two inch hole in the chest of it and I'm sorry if I offended anybody I wasn't trying to start any conflict just stating my luck and opinion. Jordy HDCurs, I can't see where you said anything offensive, you posted your opinion and experience with a vest that you paid good money for. Hope you have better luck with your next vest purchase. Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: boarmom on March 10, 2011, 09:05:54 am Kbar,
I sent you a pm. Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: Boar Collector on March 10, 2011, 10:04:06 am One thing I noticed is that there were several vest and collars spoken about on this topic and almost every one of them has had something positive said about them. However, they have all had something negative said about them too, except for the P&P vest from Larry ;). I own this vest and a few of my hunting buddies do also and it is VERY good.
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: boarmom on March 10, 2011, 12:04:44 pm HDcurs
The vest pictured is not a Devastator. Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: GAhunter on March 10, 2011, 07:13:12 pm From what I've been reading on various threads, the Devastator is one of the best vests for movement and less irritation around the dog's shoulders. I think I read somewhere where somebody gave the example that his catch dog could not load into the truck with one brand but loaded just as easy with the Devastator than without a vest. I'm interested not only in the protection the vest provides but also how freely the dog can move and a vest that won't rub the dog's "armpits" RAW!
How well can the dog move in Larry Parrish's vest? Any pics of one? Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: M Bennet on March 10, 2011, 07:49:27 pm boarmom you should fix this vest for justin , cause this boy has had two dogs get cut up through this vest or help him out. he has called and yall wont do anything about it. at least larry or pand p will fix it or replace it. this boy is upset cause he spent over 200 for this vest and the first hog he caught it put 9 holes in it . iv used larrys for 7 yrs and never had one of his c-vest get cut through. ill back anybodys vest if its good thats my and justin .02 cent worth.
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: SwampHunter on March 10, 2011, 09:51:55 pm From what I've been reading on various threads, the Devastator is one of the best vests for movement and less irritation around the dog's shoulders. I think I read somewhere where somebody gave the example that his catch dog could not load into the truck with one brand but loaded just as easy with the Devastator than without a vest. I'm interested not only in the protection the vest provides but also how freely the dog can move and a vest that won't rub the dog's "armpits" RAW! How well can the dog move in Larry Parrish's vest? Any pics of one? (http://i980.photobucket.com/albums/ae285/JoDan20/801eb34e.jpg) mine moves just fine jumps in the truck with it on an all, I have seen M bennets dogs jump in the truck with there vest to and also move just fine Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: Cull Buck on March 11, 2011, 10:21:18 am From what I've been reading on various threads, the Devastator is one of the best vests for movement and less irritation around the dog's shoulders. I think I read somewhere where somebody gave the example that his catch dog could not load into the truck with one brand but loaded just as easy with the Devastator than without a vest. I'm interested not only in the protection the vest provides but also how freely the dog can move and a vest that won't rub the dog's "armpits" RAW! How well can the dog move in Larry Parrish's vest? Any pics of one? (http://i980.photobucket.com/albums/ae285/JoDan20/801eb34e.jpg) mine moves just fine jumps in the truck with it on an all, I have seen M bennets dogs jump in the truck with there vest to and also move just fine Thanks for the pic. Does that neck extention have a habit of laying down when it gets wet or the dog runs thru cover? I talked to larry yesterday and he is a helluva nice guy. I'm probably going to order a vest from him but not sure about options like the neck extention, built in cut collar, and leg flaps. Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: SwampHunter on March 11, 2011, 11:16:48 am I started putting the collar around the neck extension so it didn't start laying down
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: boarmom on March 11, 2011, 12:20:29 pm M Bennet,
I sent you a pm. Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: Sneaky Creek Kennel on March 11, 2011, 03:04:51 pm Customcollar vest ain't worth two cents in my opinion got six holes poked straight through the vest and one straight through the cut collar bout the third hog it was used on I called them told em what had happened they didn't wanna hear about it I ask em if they could fix it for me (we dint do repair work) needless to say the conversation went down hill from there. They were super nice when I called and ordered but soon as I sad it got holes all in it he flat called me a lying SOB
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: HS on March 11, 2011, 03:11:15 pm I ve seen M bennet stab his larry parrish vest several times with a sharp knife and it didnt go thru it!!
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: waylon-N.E. OK on March 11, 2011, 05:18:37 pm HERE IS A QUOTE FROM CUSTOM COLLARS OWN WEB PAGE, THOUGHT IT WOULD WORTH THE READ. I TRUST 100% IN THERE VEST BUT TO EACH HIS OWN
Want to know why we choose ballistic nylon over Kevlar? When hunting hogs it is a given that the dog is either going to sweat or get into water. Kevlar loses its effectiveness when it gets wet. We have some competitors that say this isn't true and that it is more effective than the ballistic nylon. Please do yourself a favor and click on the link and see what the U.S. Department of Justice says. We will not try to decide for you, just inform you. We are located only 35 miles from one of the plants that make the bullet proof vests and they told us that Kevlar is ONLY effective in multiple layers, but is not effective if exposed to UV light and water. You can also visit Dupont's website and see the technical data on stab resistant vests and they have to be 18-22 layers. HERE IS A LINK WHERE YOU CAN SEE THERE INFO AND LINK OUT TO SUPPORT THERE CLAIMS, the dept. of justice info is under Body Armour, the topics A-Z catagorey http://www.custom-collars.com/ultimate-half-cut-vest-for-hunting-p-73.html God Bless, Waylon Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: GAhunter on March 11, 2011, 08:57:55 pm Don't know anything about the kevlar but dogs can't sweat. They pant to regulate their body temperature.
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: GAhunter on March 11, 2011, 09:00:19 pm From what I've been reading on various threads, the Devastator is one of the best vests for movement and less irritation around the dog's shoulders. I think I read somewhere where somebody gave the example that his catch dog could not load into the truck with one brand but loaded just as easy with the Devastator than without a vest. I'm interested not only in the protection the vest provides but also how freely the dog can move and a vest that won't rub the dog's "armpits" RAW! How well can the dog move in Larry Parrish's vest? Any pics of one? (http://i980.photobucket.com/albums/ae285/JoDan20/801eb34e.jpg) mine moves just fine jumps in the truck with it on an all, I have seen M bennets dogs jump in the truck with there vest to and also move just fine Maybe I missed it. What is the vest made from? How does the dog do in the heat or in the water? Does he make different colors and straps? Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: Purebreedcolt on March 11, 2011, 09:01:58 pm Man wish my dogs sweated maybe they would stay cooler man where do I get one of those sweating dogs lol
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: TimmsHogDogs on March 11, 2011, 10:06:36 pm Ive been using Extreme Outdoors gear and find it excellent and he guarentees everything, if something happens to the gear that isnt suppose to he will fix it or replace it.
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: waylon-N.E. OK on March 11, 2011, 10:12:17 pm Maybe they sweat in mississippi it's humid enough there to :D I didn't say, just copied and pasted it and obviously didn't catch it either ???
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: TColt on March 11, 2011, 11:37:43 pm Dogs do not sweat and kevlar is not designed to prevent stabs and/or cuts. Im not a big kevlar fan. Bullet proof vests 40-50+ layers of kevlar and even these do not stop all knife stabs. I think the only kevlar that is designed to prevent cuts and stabs is "turtle skin", which has a tighter weave.
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: SCHitemHard on March 11, 2011, 11:46:28 pm I know a fella who tried to make a chainmail lined with kelvar type vest, to heavy for my taste but it worked, we got to stab it
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: GAhunter on March 12, 2011, 03:04:07 pm Dogs do not sweat and kevlar is not designed to prevent stabs and/or cuts. Im not a big kevlar fan. Bullet proof vests 40-50+ layers of kevlar and even these do not stop all knife stabs. I think the only kevlar that is designed to prevent cuts and stabs is "turtle skin", which has a tighter weave. So if you don't use kevlar, what do you use? Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: TT on March 12, 2011, 03:20:04 pm From what I've been reading on various threads, the Devastator is one of the best vests for movement and less irritation around the dog's shoulders. I think I read somewhere where somebody gave the example that his catch dog could not load into the truck with one brand but loaded just as easy with the Devastator than without a vest. I'm interested not only in the protection the vest provides but also how freely the dog can move and a vest that won't rub the dog's "armpits" RAW! I think u can get vest I'n black or used too. The can swim like a fish I don't have leg flaps or chin flapHow well can the dog move in Larry Parrish's vest? Any pics of one? (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll87/catchdog/pig375.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll87/catchdog/pig397.jpg) Was this boar not a hole all the way through. All of mine have outer holes just nome all the way through have 8 of these vest (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll87/catchdog/pig400.jpg) I can take some pics of old very used vest if any one would like see damage (http://i980.photobucket.com/albums/ae285/JoDan20/801eb34e.jpg) mine moves just fine jumps in the truck with it on an all, I have seen M bennets dogs jump in the truck with there vest to and also move just fine Maybe I missed it. What is the vest made from? How does the dog do in the heat or in the water? Does he make different colors and straps? Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: strait on March 12, 2011, 07:50:02 pm larry parrish cut vestrs or razor back.cut collars i make out of a 4 inch snatch strap,they last for years,an years.
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: TColt on March 12, 2011, 08:20:18 pm Dogs do not sweat and kevlar is not designed to prevent stabs and/or cuts. Im not a big kevlar fan. Bullet proof vests 40-50+ layers of kevlar and even these do not stop all knife stabs. I think the only kevlar that is designed to prevent cuts and stabs is "turtle skin", which has a tighter weave. So if you don't use kevlar, what do you use? the vest im usin now is made out of seatbelt lol and I havent had a hog that can even chew through the leg flaps. I think the kevlar works, especially for how light it is. Mine is not as long as a regular vest, its a "breast plate", but it probably still weighs the same as a regular full length vest. Im not sayin one is write or wrong or anything like that, hell I used to use a bay vest on my cd and they are like one or two layers or somethin and I never got a cut on him in that (had a few slices through it but nothin that broke his skin). I like a dog to move freely, Im willing to give up some protection cuz I feel a good cd should be able to get out of the way and keep himself safe more than the vest keeps him safe. Keep the vitals covered and Im happy. Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: Don_F on March 12, 2011, 08:22:54 pm All of my gear comes from tejas have never had any problems from them.
Title: Re: Best of your cut gear? (vest, collars, anything!) Post by: M Bennet on March 12, 2011, 08:31:32 pm here are mine there 5 and 7 yrs old the one on the left has wet felt in it, its not good in water but iv never had it cut through. its all good gear . its just what ever you want to use. im not rich and so i buy from p&p cause i can afford it and hes always done me right and he will make what ever i want 4,5,6,inch cut callors or any style of vest i want.
(http://i680.photobucket.com/albums/vv164/montybennet/11-24-10_20181.jpg) (http://i680.photobucket.com/albums/vv164/montybennet/11-24-10_20171.jpg) (http://i680.photobucket.com/albums/vv164/montybennet/11-24-10_20161.jpg) |