Title: Selling out Post by: Hog Terminator on March 10, 2011, 06:57:40 pm I have a aluminum dog box,16trx wildlife tracking system with four collars like new,three new southern cross bay vest,three cut collars for bay dogs,one cut collar for catch dog and one matching cut vest with leg flaps in front and is one of the best vest I have ever used and has been used very little like new,and a 14 month old ybmc that has been on hogs and is pretty rough he's going to make a great dog and has a good nose not a finished dog still needs training just don't have the time cause moving to new job and I can't hunt for the next 7 to 10 years so I am selling all for $2000.00.Pictures want post so if anyone interested please call me and I can send pics to you by email are text.My cell is 337-274-8716