Title: hunting between lufkin and nacogdoches Post by: weller44 on March 11, 2011, 12:50:49 pm My uncle owns a 300 acre ranch between nacogdoches and lufkin that I haven't been to since I was a kid. They are telling me there are pigs all over it, I have been thinking about making the drive out there to try and catch a few! It's is called the double d ranch, just off the highway. Anyone know of it or hunt anywhere around the area?
Title: Re: hunting between lufkin and nacogdoches Post by: Strike Dog Kennels on March 11, 2011, 07:52:15 pm I drive by it everyday going to work. The back side of the place looks to be on the outside of the river bottom. Hogs are thick in that area. But it is right next to Highway 59. That is a busy highway.
Title: Re: hunting between lufkin and nacogdoches Post by: YELLOWBLACKMASK on March 11, 2011, 09:06:33 pm I drive by it everyday going to work. The back side of the place looks to be on the outside of the river bottom. Hogs are thick in that area. But it is right next to Highway 59. That is a busy highway. X2 Hogs are sure enough there, We have also hunted all around this ranch and only downfall is that dang Hwy 59. If your set on making a round I would advise deep nights on week day if you can to minimize traffic. Good luck bro! Title: Re: hunting between lufkin and nacogdoches Post by: Bar W on March 12, 2011, 12:27:03 am Lots of hogs in that whole area. But highway 59 would be very dangerous for a dog.
Title: Re: hunting between lufkin and nacogdoches Post by: catchinpigs on March 12, 2011, 08:03:29 am I drive by it everyday going to work. The back side of the place looks to be on the outside of the river bottom. Hogs are thick in that area. But it is right next to Highway 59. That is a busy highway. X2 Hogs are sure enough there, We have also hunted all around this ranch and only downfall is that dang Hwy 59. If your set on making a round I would advise deep nights on week day if you can to minimize traffic. Good luck bro! I agree 100%. This would be the best advice if you are going to hunt that place. Good luck if you decide to head out there and hunt |