HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: jsh on March 14, 2011, 03:56:13 pm

Title: Albany hunt - 7 hogs two good boars and first hunt with Stags
Post by: jsh on March 14, 2011, 03:56:13 pm
Lrhlrh89, Jason, Roger and I headed back up to Albany Saturday night with the kids in tow.  Ended up with 7 and two good boars.

Lrhlrh89 and I picked up a pair of Stags this week.  They are coyote kill dogs but catch hogs as well.  By the third bay they were hookin' it to the bay dogs.  Meet Dallas and Wild Bill:

Track, Rooney, Leo, Smoke and Sam bayed this nice boar across the Brazos.  They weren't coming off and the bulldogs would have drown so I started swimming with one arm in the air to keep Roger's 357 dry.  We (Jason and I) were halfway across and the baydogs caught.  Boar hog whoops them off and goes "under" the bank.  When I slid down into the river I couldn't see him, but could only hear him poppin'  his teeth and see steam coming out of the "cave".  He lunged out and grabbed Tracker by his collar, taking him under.  I grabbed the dog and me and boar hog are playing tug of war with poor old Track.  I won and threw him up the bank to Jason.  With all dogs clear, I shot twice and he came bustin' out.  I finished him off, no dogs hurt and the kids had a blast watching it all.  Lucas got this little western on video, we'll try to post it tonight.

Good eatin' sow.  She's at the processor now.

This was one of the toughest boars I've caught in a while.  Kudos to Brody and Debo for locking him down good for us.

Kids running to the bay.

Hayden leading his new dog (I think).


Title: Re: Albany hunt - 7 hogs two good boars and first hunt with Stags
Post by: Cull Buck on March 14, 2011, 04:17:38 pm
Great pics!  Those kids look like they are having a blast

Title: Re: Albany hunt - 7 hogs two good boars and first hunt with Stags
Post by: Silverton Boar Dogs on March 14, 2011, 04:43:43 pm
Its good to see some more Stags getting a shot as hog dogs, good luck with them.

Title: Re: Albany hunt - 7 hogs two good boars and first hunt with Stags
Post by: willhunt4food on March 14, 2011, 05:03:48 pm
nice pics congrats

Title: Re: Albany hunt - 7 hogs two good boars and first hunt with Stags
Post by: TieEmUpOrLeaveEm on March 14, 2011, 07:32:25 pm

Title: Re: Albany hunt - 7 hogs two good boars and first hunt with Stags
Post by: kbar on March 14, 2011, 08:16:56 pm
Good hunt cuz...Hope that stag keeps it up, you need to bring him down South to the open country.(KEEP RECYCLING THEM INTO THE ENVIROMENT)..

Title: Re: Albany hunt - 7 hogs two good boars and first hunt with Stags
Post by: ebneruh54 on March 15, 2011, 09:26:03 am
Kids are in heaven! good lookin dogs and nice hogs!

Title: Re: Albany hunt - 7 hogs two good boars and first hunt with Stags
Post by: Goatcher on March 15, 2011, 02:30:37 pm

Nice looking stags!  I had one for a few years, just like yours but pure white.  "Norma Jean" was a great RCD, but really thick  brush and briars did not let her get up to "WARP" speed.  You have not seen a hog stopped until you see a stag making 20' leaps and over taking on in seconds, then grab it by the tail at full speed and spin it around.  Those boars that outrun all the dogs squeal with shock like little pigs when a ole NJ spun them around at their top speed.  But needs open woods, croplands or pasture for a stag to do its thing.

I would like some more stags.  Do you have a contact for the real coyote killing kind?  If so please email me at bgoatcher@cox.net

I got both my stags from Roswell, NM.  The male was a dud, big idiot, only wanted to chase bunnies, cats and little dogs.  NJ turned out great.  Really got into the hogs.

Title: Re: Albany hunt - 7 hogs two good boars and first hunt with Stags
Post by: spazhogdog on March 15, 2011, 05:02:33 pm
great pics and can't wait to see the video.  The kids look like they really like it.