Title: Newbies and young dogs Post by: hogaholicswife on March 30, 2011, 07:15:46 am We were given some pups about a week ago, they are (like all) related to everything else we have but this time were a cross of two dogs my husband was very fond of...they are the last cross out of these dogs as both parents died within two weeks of each other.
We are extremely honored that they were offered to us...now the wait is on! Mine is the runt on the left...I think I am going to call her Tinker since she is so tiny and the other is still to be determined. (http://i900.photobucket.com/albums/ac209/rafeallen/IMG_7094.jpg) Chance, which is the new pups 1st cousin. He was out of a litter from Dec. 09 that we had - his daddy and these pups have the same momma. He has been hunting right along with the grown dogs since he was 9 months old but finally got it done all on his own the other night. (http://i900.photobucket.com/albums/ac209/rafeallen/IMG_7098.jpg) Nickel, who we are still trying out, doesnt hunt too far out and I am not sure he trusts his nose 100% but this boy can move. We dumped him out on a 70lb shoat a few weeks ago that had a good head start on him and he hocked him down....he needs some work on his catching skills as he doesnt lock on like he should but I think I am going to consider him my little project. (http://i900.photobucket.com/albums/ac209/rafeallen/IMG_7044.jpg) Last but not least, have you seen this gyp? I sold her back in October to a guy out of Ft. Pierce. I have tried to follow up but havent gotten any response (she is the sister to Chance) and would like to know how she is doing. (http://i900.photobucket.com/albums/ac209/rafeallen/IMG_5398-1.jpg) Title: Re: Newbies and young dogs Post by: spazhogdog on March 30, 2011, 10:31:27 am they look good
Title: Re: Newbies and young dogs Post by: sfboarbuster on March 31, 2011, 09:57:05 pm Do you know they guys name that you sold the last dog to? I know a bunch of people in ft. pierce.
Title: Re: Newbies and young dogs Post by: hogaholicswife on April 01, 2011, 06:32:52 pm His name is Chris, I think his last name may have started with an "L" but I dont know that for sure. If I remember correctly he drove an older black Chevy extended cab truck.