HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: Boardog on January 02, 2009, 09:49:19 am

Title: Last nights Hunt(lots of pics)
Post by: Boardog on January 02, 2009, 09:49:19 am
Well we went out to a place in huckaby last night to try out a new dog i got so i took her my plott gyp jesabell and my blackmouth gyp cricket and my two bulldogs. Well we kicked out on a creek and walked bout 100yards when my new dog and my gyp jesabell started bayin we could hear that they had a good group but as we got close we started hearin squelin we got there and they had a lil boar caught we tied him and went back to the truck and on our way to go load em up the dogs took off and we heard em bayed bout 200yards accross an open feild they also had a good group bayed but as we got close we heard some squelin got there and they had a lil 20lb pig caught so we threw em in the trailer and went and got the other lil boar. It was still early so we went down the road to another place and dumped out by a small lake we walked about 50yards then heard the dogs bayed about 200yards out we got close and the spotted boar the had broke and ran past a bedded down sow all the dogs but two started bayin the sow we got her caught and two of her lil pigs and my new dog and cricket were still on the boar we finally picked em up 3miles from where they struck em. We went back to the sow and there was 2 more lil pigs with her so we caught them and loaded all of em up and headed home good hunt caught some pigs and no dogs cut.
Heres the dogs.
Heres another pic of the dogs
Heres when we was walkin thats one of my catchdogs max.
Heres the pigs in the trailer
Heres another
Heres the lil babies

Michael Conatser

Title: Re: Last nights Hunt(lots of pics)
Post by: Findahog on January 02, 2009, 10:51:26 am
good looking hogs and dogs

Title: Re: Last nights Hunt(lots of pics)
Post by: Texas_Cur on January 02, 2009, 12:05:33 pm
good hunt man!

Title: Re: Last nights Hunt(lots of pics)
Post by: clint on January 02, 2009, 02:57:37 pm
nice hunt! ;D

Title: Re: Last nights Hunt(lots of pics)
Post by: TexasJ on January 02, 2009, 08:46:20 pm
Good hunt.

Title: Re: Last nights Hunt(lots of pics)
Post by: cowcountryhogdogger on January 02, 2009, 10:25:34 pm
Congrats on the hunt bud.  Wish I hadn't had to work Sat. morning so I could've come down and went with you.

Title: Re: Last nights Hunt(lots of pics)
Post by: Mr. HG on January 03, 2009, 06:27:59 am
Good hunt

Title: Re: Last nights Hunt(lots of pics)
Post by: Boardog on January 03, 2009, 03:00:11 pm
Thanks yall!

Yea ross gimme a call sometime and will line up a hunt.

Michael Conatser