HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: monsterdogger on April 02, 2011, 06:54:15 pm

Title: giving dog energy pills???
Post by: monsterdogger on April 02, 2011, 06:54:15 pm
what yall think??

Title: Re: giving dog energy pills???
Post by: skunkhounds on April 02, 2011, 07:00:34 pm
if they need pills to work sounds like you need new ones do you give speed to your workers when they are alil slow one day on the job no either they get to work or hit the bricks  just my 2 cents

Title: Re: giving dog energy pills???
Post by: levibarcus on April 02, 2011, 07:12:34 pm
Bad idea, if your dog has to have pills to perform he isn't healthy enough to hunt. Either that or he doesn't have the drive to be a hunting dog. JMO

Title: Re: giving dog energy pills???
Post by: monsterdogger on April 02, 2011, 07:15:50 pm
oh no no.i was just curiois.my dogs are great.jw if yall thought it would give em am edge on huntin.

Title: Re: giving dog energy pills???
Post by: Sneaky Creek Kennel on April 02, 2011, 07:40:26 pm
A friend of mine started using Red Cell it's for Horses it's got all kinds of vitamins and minerals in it. I thought I'd give it a try. My dogs are fine without it but like you I'll try anything to get an edge up! They think it works I have only been using it a a few days now. It don't slow em down eatin that's for sure I was thinking with all that's in that stuff it may slow the food bill down but hadn't so far. As far as giving them mini thins or yellow jackets I don't think I'd recommend that prolly end up with an addict that will pawn the lawn mower or something who knows! Lol!

Title: Re: giving dog energy pills???
Post by: hatchett on April 02, 2011, 10:05:36 pm
The red cell isn't intended to knock down how much u feed we feed for the added energy and stamina the b-12 and suppliments add when added to the feed we have an older dog and he's like a tottaly diffrent dog   He has more than enough energy and go I would recomend to anyone

Title: Re: giving dog energy pills???
Post by: T-Bob Parker on April 02, 2011, 10:16:17 pm
That's kinda a tricky subject, if a dog is old and needs a boost to continue living a happy and productive life, or if you are doing super long marathon hunt and your dogs are flat wore out it may be advisable, but either scenario you'd have to be careful about pushing their bodies beyond their limits, if you are running on fumes and drink a monster, it may jolt your body but your brain is still exhausted. That's not a safe situation in a life and death job like a hog dog has.

Title: Re: giving dog energy pills???
Post by: BarrNinja on April 02, 2011, 11:13:24 pm
My dogs were hooked on those energy drinks for a while. Red bulls and Monster cans everywhere. I finally put my foot down but those runners have been giving them fits lately. I'm thinking about trying the Red cell. I have a friend that swears by it.

Title: Re: giving dog energy pills???
Post by: TimmsHogDogs on April 02, 2011, 11:37:31 pm
Red Cell works great but make sure you mix it right with the water and that the water is fresh and clean.

Title: Re: giving dog energy pills???
Post by: mradel on April 02, 2011, 11:59:31 pm
I use red cell and it is more of a vitamin than a Energy booster

Title: Re: giving dog energy pills???
Post by: SCHitemHard on April 03, 2011, 01:55:15 am
had a buddy give his pup a stacker 2 energy pill and the dang thing ran in circles till it died.

Title: Re: giving dog energy pills???
Post by: BarrNinja on April 03, 2011, 11:35:03 am
Seriously, I wouldn't  give a dog anything past good quality feed other than good vitamins when needed.

Stacker 2 energy pills?! :o

Title: Re: giving dog energy pills???
Post by: zachW on April 03, 2011, 11:42:39 am
I keep finding white powder on my pits nose, I'm starting to wander about the neighbor hood I got him I'n.  :o

Title: Re: giving dog energy pills???
Post by: Tusk Hog on April 03, 2011, 11:43:58 am
 Just my .o2 cents, but a balanced diet is hard to beat in dogs or horses.

Title: Re: giving dog energy pills???
Post by: goose on April 03, 2011, 04:22:06 pm
i talkeed to a friend of mine who is really into field trialing walker dogs and he has tried just about everything there is out there ( legal and illegal) to give them the egde and the best thing he found to give his dogs that extra edge over the competition was a concoction of good honest genetics ands LOTS of time running to maintain shape and culling and before long he was onto something now he is tough to beat in the puppy derbys....i even tried the monster energy drink with a few of my dogs twice and yea it give them that extra kick and they hunted harder but im not into to hunting juiced dogs and when the energy high wore off they crashed

Title: Re: giving dog energy pills???
Post by: Hog Dog Mike on April 03, 2011, 06:02:26 pm
I used to run bird dogs alot and we would road our dogs using a sled dog harness. Let them pull and it will build up front legs, chest, lungs, and rear end. I would let my dogs pull until the slacked off a little and then I run them.

I had a big trial up in Oklahoma one time and fed my dog a pound of liver a day for a month before the trial. She won first place both days. That dog would go in yonder.

Title: Re: giving dog energy pills???
Post by: paul.m on April 03, 2011, 09:00:27 pm
I hunted with a couple of guy's that would give their dogs 5 hour energy after hunting for a couple
of hours to try to get them going again but did not notice a difference because they were still walking behind us. ;D
I guess it was so they can make it back walking to the truck  ;D. Just trippin , have not ever tried to give mine any of
that stuff and probably dont need it because they are alway's wired like a game rooster ready to fight!!! popo :P

Title: Re: giving dog energy pills???
Post by: JUG on April 03, 2011, 10:26:23 pm
if i got to give my dogs energy pills to find and stick with hogs , i just soon cull'em .. IMO all that will do is cause more problems in the long run .. "get them to hot to early , pick up there blood pressure and cause a major leak if they get cut good enough " the only thing i give mine is Good Feed , Rest , Fresh Water, and Time to Heal if they get hurt .. i've seen it alot " people hunting their dogs day after day or hunting them with staples hanging off a fresh cut" .. i myself did it , but i learned from my mistakes ..

RED CELL & B12 is awesome supplements .. but in the summer the dog will run hot on you and if you don't catch it early in the hunt it might be to late if you get on a good race .. and it brings the blood pressure up , so if they get cut it will be hard to stop the bleeding..

RUBBING ALCOHOL is a way to keep your dog from over heating "not a cure for the heat, but it will help cool them off" .. fill a spray bottle and spray a lite mist over chest and back ,rub it in good ..  this will bring their Temperture Down 2-4degrees with out much effort and help their bodys recover from the stress..

BOX OF BONES a box of beef or pork bones from your butcher , most will GIVE you the bones after de-boning meat ... i use just the big bones , no rub bones "they splinter and may give problems pass through" ..  this will keep their teeth clean , health and strong ..

GOOD FEED is the most inportant ! read up on any great sport star , their diet is a big part of their life .. a dog needs the fuel to do the what we need them to do.. just because a feed keeps weight on a dog during hunting season doesn't mean it is health for them .. some feed is harder on the inside of the dog and easy on the  outside. "dog looks health , but has loose stool . you feed him 2 cups and 1.5 come out after it's said and done" just like my uncal with his Beer gut .. most would say he needs a diet , but he is on one "a liquid diet" .. liver swollen and kidney about to fell , but he looks fat and health ..

REST & TIME TO HEAL a dog needs time to recover .. depending on the hunt"miles the dog ran , terrain he/she was running and damage he/she may have take during the catch" ..this will reflect on the rest time and recovery time .. if you don't it will just cause the dog to get hurt or not heal correct ...

my book comes out next Fall "The Hog Hunter's Bible New Testament" lol just joking Ninja...