THE CLASSIFIEDS => CLASSIFIED ADS => Topic started by: Kanon Walker on April 12, 2011, 12:36:33 pm

Title: 2 Hole Diamond Plate Dog Box
Post by: Kanon Walker on April 12, 2011, 12:36:33 pm
I have a heavy duty 2 hole diamond plate dog box. It is painted black and has a top compartment for storage. It is brand new. Asking $400 903-556-9596

Title: Re: 2 Hole Diamond Plate Dog Box
Post by: W-tate on April 13, 2011, 03:11:33 am
Demensions? Location?   Got a pic.  If so text 2546445075 e mail Waceytate@yahoo.com

Title: Re: 2 Hole Diamond Plate Dog Box
Post by: chew81 on April 13, 2011, 09:19:08 am
size, and location, text or call (979) 530-6540

Title: Re: 2 Hole Diamond Plate Dog Box
Post by: Kanon Walker on April 13, 2011, 12:19:03 pm
New Boston, TX i really dont know the dimensions, i'll look and get back to you on that.
It's made out of diamond plate steel not aluminum so it is heavy duty.

Title: Re: 2 Hole Diamond Plate Dog Box
Post by: W-tate on April 13, 2011, 12:23:03 pm
ok would still like a picture and the demensions

Title: Re: 2 Hole Diamond Plate Dog Box
Post by: Kanon Walker on April 13, 2011, 12:33:29 pm
I'll get you one. and the dimensions