HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: HogsDogsandDiamonds on April 14, 2011, 09:58:08 pm

Title: Not to be rude but...
Post by: HogsDogsandDiamonds on April 14, 2011, 09:58:08 pm
Why does everyone on here think they are better hog hunters than everyone else?? well not everyone..but a lot. i started to notice certain people on her a few weeks ago... i was just wondering because I thought this site was so then everyone could be helpful and be like a huge family...not either down talk(people on here deny thats what they are doing) or flat out act like they are the number 2. Im just confused on this..... ?

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Hog_Hunter_57 on April 14, 2011, 10:03:28 pm
because people do have different ideas on how to do things. you just have to take them with a grain of salt.

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: skunkhounds on April 14, 2011, 10:07:56 pm
most of the guys that run people down and talk about there dogs are best and they do it better  are all hot air dont let them bother ya

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: HogsDogsandDiamonds on April 14, 2011, 10:08:08 pm
well its not really the different opinions...they are being smart and its getting annoying...i can tell the diff between the opinions and being rude.... I see the same guys(not naming names) doing it to everyone...i dont mind actual opinions.

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: HogsDogsandDiamonds on April 14, 2011, 10:08:40 pm
most of the guys that run people down and talk about there dogs are best and they do it better  are all hot air dont let them bother ya

thats exactly what i was thinking...

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: sfboarbuster on April 14, 2011, 10:09:26 pm
When someone comes on here and claims they have the "best" and their year old dogs are "finished" people are going to be skeptical about it.

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: skunkhounds on April 14, 2011, 10:14:08 pm
i dont think thats what she means shes talking about all the running people down over multipul subjects

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Cristina on April 14, 2011, 10:15:12 pm
Lots of people with lots of different opinions on here. You don't have to take    what everyone posts on here to heart, take the advice you can and learn from this forum or forever disagree with what these crazy people on here have to say ;D

I read what I want to read and just skip what I dont.
Besides there is plenty to learn from people on here. Some have been doing this longer than you and I have been alive.

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: HogsDogsandDiamonds on April 14, 2011, 10:22:01 pm
oh i have learned a lot lol but some of the crap they say its STUPID. and they think that since they have been doing it longer they are over everyone...but nobody is over anyone i dont think...lol maybe im just weird.

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: HogsDogsandDiamonds on April 14, 2011, 10:23:41 pm
i dont think thats what she means shes talking about all the running people down over multipul subjects

yeahh thats what i meant...not the whole year old dog being finished thing....
its normal to be skeptical about it to its just i think it could be possible...

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: HogsDogsandDiamonds on April 14, 2011, 10:26:10 pm
and i also think nobody at all should say they have the best.. everyone can think they have the best but there is always something out there that is better. nothing is ever the "Best".

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Kessling Kennels on April 14, 2011, 10:59:52 pm
There is a few doggers on here that do know what they are doing,I've been lucky enough to work with one that will help anyone and everyone,And will be the 1st to tell you he does'nt know it all but will do everything he can to help you figure out the problem.
I've hunted hogs for 14 yrs now and I still learn something everytime I hit the woods.

The friend that has helped me the most always tells me "When you quit learning and you think you have everything figured out you are as good as done"
I believe you can learn a little from everyone If you keep you ears open and mouth shut.
Take bits and pieces from respectable hunters and develope your own style.

And I agree there are several guys on here that would like to know 1/2 of the BS they blabber.
If you check their post history Its the same few that are experts about everything thats posted.

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Cristina on April 14, 2011, 11:04:11 pm
There is a few doggers on here that do know what they are doing,I've been luck enough to work with one that will help anyone and everyone,And will be the 1st to tell you he does'nt know it all but will do everything he can to help you figure out the problem.
I've hunted hogs for 14 yrs now and I still learn something everytime I hit the woods.

The friend that has helped me the most always tells me "When you quit learning and you think you have everything figured out you are as good as done"
I believe you can learn a little from everyone If you keep you ears open and mouth shut.
Take bits and pieces from respectable hunters and develope your own style.

And I agree there are several guys on here that would like to know 1/2 of the BS they blabber.
If you check their post history Its the same few that are experts about everything thats posted.


Very well said!

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: redtick23 on April 14, 2011, 11:04:58 pm
i have the best hog dogs any where that you will ever see as long as you dont leave my place to look for others lol

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: HogsDogsandDiamonds on April 14, 2011, 11:20:17 pm
There is a few doggers on here that do know what they are doing,I've been lucky enough to work with one that will help anyone and everyone,And will be the 1st to tell you he does'nt know it all but will do everything he can to help you figure out the problem.
I've hunted hogs for 14 yrs now and I still learn something everytime I hit the woods.

The friend that has helped me the most always tells me "When you quit learning and you think you have everything figured out you are as good as done"
I believe you can learn a little from everyone If you keep you ears open and mouth shut.
Take bits and pieces from respectable hunters and develope your own style.

And I agree there are several guys on here that would like to know 1/2 of the BS they blabber.
If you check their post history Its the same few that are experts about everything thats posted.

EXACTLY!! i like people that wanna help...not talk about "everything they know"! and it is the saem few people lol

but very weel said! I dont mind someone helping me out but when you act like you know EVERYTHING its irritating lol

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Black Smith on April 15, 2011, 12:18:24 am
I believe if you can't help someone be sure you don't hurt them. I think alot of people get to wrapped up in having the best of everythind and that every hog on the lease belongs to him and it really makes me sick. i pay dues on a lease and it isn.t much but anyone can come anttime and i hope you catch 10 hogs.It is  asport of me i just love hunting dogs. I made my first competion hunt at 9 years old in cleveland texas won my cast and finished 9th place. That don't make me a dog man i know people that forgot more abot dogs than i will ever know. Mike Duggan being one and my dad and Larry Parker to name  a few all are good  men and will help in any way they can. I just love doing it and hope i learn everytime.

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: NechesBobcat on April 15, 2011, 01:53:04 am
I know exactly what you're talking about and it really bothers me too. I'm sure everyone on here has a really good iidea of how to catch hogs so why argue? No since in starting stuff. I guess it's just how some people were raised.

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Cull Buck on April 15, 2011, 06:49:31 am
Small minded ignorance backed up by a healthy dose of redneck ego will provide you with people that always think there stuff is the best and there way is the only way.  Just my take....

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Purebreedcolt on April 15, 2011, 07:11:20 am
Maybe I read I wrong bvut some of even what I think is rude may be their way of trying to help. Just the way some are wired

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: bailey508 on April 15, 2011, 07:12:01 am
Small minded ignorance backed up by a healthy dose of redneck ego will provide you with people that always think there stuff is the best and there way is the only way.  Just my take....

I was thinking the same think...my wording was not near as eligant as yours though,,,lol :angel:

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: bailey508 on April 15, 2011, 07:22:04 am
In my opinion we all need to remember one thing. none of us know "everything" . if we had expierenced everything, hunted every hog, used all the dogs, been in all the sitiuations, and cut em all, this chit wouldnt be fun anymore and we would quit. Hog hunters are a different breed of folks that come from different walks of life. I aint gonna say that there might not be a smart ass or two on here, but its hard to tie emotion to a typed message. I send text messages all the time that are misconstrued as me being mad or rude, but i didnt mean them that way. Emotions are expressed majorly through facial expressions and voice tones, we have neither on here. JMO

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Kessling Kennels on April 15, 2011, 07:32:01 am
I know in my small community that there are 3 to 4 fellow doggers that are always fighting and bellyaching about who has what place to hunt.
Each one thinks they have the Best set of dogs in the country.
When we see them in town or an event they are always bragging about how many 500# hogs they have caught,Knowing that I know better.
The way I see it if we all got along and respected each other(Respect=If a man invites you to hunt a place ,Don't go back there and talk to the land owner or sneek back in there)Look how many places to hunt that everyone would have and If you get to hunt more places than obviously you will get to catch more pigs and work your dogs more.

I've come to the conclusion that the ones that don't have any places to hunt there is usually a reason.OUTLAW,NO RESPECT for others.
The man that has showed me alot about hunting hogs always has a couple of Highschool young men that are there on every trip with  him  he is forever preaching to them about hunting with respect for others and taking care of the places that you get to hunt and you will always have places to go. If you dont you will have a brand put on your A_ _ and you will always have problems finding good places to hunt .    

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: dub on April 15, 2011, 09:52:09 am
Why does everyone on here think they are better hog hunters than everyone else?? well not everyone..but a lot. i started to notice certain people on her a few weeks ago... i was just wondering because I thought this site was so then everyone could be helpful and be like a huge family...not either down talk(people on here deny thats what they are doing) or flat out act like they are the number 2. Im just confused on this..... ?

I know I come across wrong all the time. But it seems to me there are people with thin skin that need to get thicker skin. If someone does not know what they are talking about then why do you care? But when someone has been hunting longer than you have been alive then I bet they do know more than you. I have thick skin and you can say what ever you want. I will read through it and if it makes sense I will listen. It seems to me people ask questions and then don't like the answer. I am mature enough to not only not care what you say I am also mature enough to not care if you are upset with what I say.

I have a question for you. How many people ask you to hunt with them? How many other people have you hunted with? I know that the best hog dogs I have seen were not mine. I may think mine are the best I can also be honest. You will never learn anything until you get out and hunt with other people.

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: TinyTexasCowgirl on April 15, 2011, 09:57:53 am
I had another horse trainer tell me something one time, that I feel not only applies to horses, but dogs, and life in general...

"You will always be a world champion in your own arena. You prove it in the show pen."

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: BarrNinja on April 15, 2011, 09:59:05 am
Small minded ignorance backed up by a healthy dose of redneck ego will provide you with people that always think there stuff is the best and there way is the only way.  Just my take....

Combine this with the easily offended and all kind of neat things get posted. ;D

I try to be careful and respectful to the folks I don't know but I can really pick at the folks I do know. I take a lot from them too but its ALWAYS in fun.
I have offended others when I was picking on buddies but that wasn't my intension and had to spend a little time explaining myself to clear things up with them before we were all good.
Hog hunter can just be too dang sensitive to begin with sometimes.

For example, I hunt BMC's. I can show you dozens of post flat out bashing them but I never took it personal and never got offended. It was good, objective posting and I appreciated their honesty and opinions even though I didn't agree with them on some things.
When I see folks get all pissed and the drama starts to fly....it just cracks me up!
Maybe Im not serious enough but I have been posting on this board for a few years now and no one has hurt my feelings yet. I can count all the times I have offended folks with my comments (that I know of) on two fingers and it was never my intension.  

Lighten up people! If this offends you then PM me with the hate mail please. lol

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Kessling Kennels on April 15, 2011, 10:13:55 am
Your 100% correct Tiny.
When I started roping Along time ago I thought I was a bad dude around the house,When I loaded up and told my dad I was ready to go to an open roping.
I found out real quick I better get my butt back in the pracitce pen and keep my mouth shut and my ears open.

I believe that most doggers don't know what a great strike dog is and if you don't have anything to compare your dogs to then you may think you have the best.

My friend and co-worker has some outstanding dogs,Your never here him on here telling everyone how great his dogs are.
He will tell you that alot of work,time,money has his kennels where they are today.
He is always trying to get better and learn new things to help his dogs.
This man catches as many hogs as anyone I know,And you will never find him on here bragging about his dogs.
He will also tell you he has mentors that he calls when he's having a problem with a dog.
I can tell you first hand he has some great dogs.

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: TShelly on April 15, 2011, 10:15:09 am
listen up if this offends you then PM me the hate mail lol

I'm offended you havnt made a hunt with us Ninja!!!!!!..... But then again we usually catch some good ones when ya don't :) :)

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Circle C on April 15, 2011, 10:21:21 am
ETHD is like a campfire.  

People are sitting around BS'ing here. Telling hunting stories, talking dogs, politics, etc.  If you know someone at the campfire well enough to take a good hearted poke at them, then let it fly.  If you don't know them, keep your mouth shut or try to make the comment in a respectful way.

We have over 3000 members here on ETHD, from all walks of life. There will be differences of opinion, heated debates, and some sure enough BS'ers.... no different than any other place that 3000 people congregate. Just figure out a way to be respectful.  

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: djhogdogger on April 15, 2011, 10:30:11 am
ETHD is like a campfire.  

People are sitting around BS'ing here. Telling hunting stories, talking dogs, politics, etc.  If you know someone at the campfire well enough to take a good hearted poke at them, then let it fly.  If you don't know them, keep your mouth shut or try to make the comment in a respectful way.

We have over 3000 members here on ETHD, from all walks of life. There will be differences of opinion, heated debates, and some sure enough BS'ers.... no different than any other place that 3000 people congregate. Just figure out a way to be respectful.  

Im always working on it Chris. I am a debater at heart and I use humorous sarcasm to lighten the mood. The only problem is that when you are typing on the computer somtimes friendly sarcasm comes across as being a smartazz.  :-X But ETHD is my extended family so even if I do get into a heated disagreement with someone on here, I still love'em and all is forgotten in 5 seconds.

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: BarrNinja on April 15, 2011, 10:31:37 am
listen up if this offends you then PM me the hate mail lol

I'm offended you havnt made a hunt with us Ninja!!!!!!..... But then again we usually catch some good ones when ya don't :) :)

Im working on correcting this one! Y'all dont have to rub it in so hard with all those big hogs you catch without me! I do like the pictures you post though!  ;)

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Cristina on April 15, 2011, 10:35:43 am
I think people get offended too easy, come on its a forum and we all are here because we all love doing the same thing.

I sorta miss the old ETHD where all everyone did was poke fun at each other.

#1 offender here Is the BoarNinja!!!!  ;D

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: djhogdogger on April 15, 2011, 10:37:14 am
I think people get offended too easy, come on its a forum and we all are here because we all love doing the same thing.

I sorta miss the old ETHD where all everyone did was poke fun at each other.

#1 offender here Is the BoarNinja!!!!  ;D

X2  ;D

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: zachW on April 15, 2011, 10:39:24 am
My dad always told me you choose who you hang out with, if some one keeps pissing you off then its your fault for listening to them.

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Circle C on April 15, 2011, 10:40:31 am
ETHD is like a campfire.  

People are sitting around BS'ing here. Telling hunting stories, talking dogs, politics, etc.  If you know someone at the campfire well enough to take a good hearted poke at them, then let it fly.  If you don't know them, keep your mouth shut or try to make the comment in a respectful way.

We have over 3000 members here on ETHD, from all walks of life. There will be differences of opinion, heated debates, and some sure enough BS'ers.... no different than any other place that 3000 people congregate. Just figure out a way to be respectful.  

Im always working on it Chris. I am a debater at heart and I use humorous sarcasm to lighten the mood. The only problem is that when you are typing on the computer somtimes friendly sarcasm comes across as being a smartazz.  :-X But ETHD is my extended family so even if I do get into a heated disagreement with someone on here, I still love'em and all is forgotten in 5 seconds.


     I know I have been guilty myself....


    I liked it with the original 2-300 members, however, with that said, I have made some of what I consider great friends, people I would have never met, if it wasn't for ETHD bringing us together.  

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: T-Bob Parker on April 15, 2011, 10:43:19 am
I think I was member 301, what are you trying to say Chris  >:( :D :D

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: dub on April 15, 2011, 10:44:36 am
i was just wondering because I thought this site was so then everyone could be helpful and be like a huge family

I know in my family you better be tough and have thick skin. As a kid I learned to shoot rubber bands and pop a towel. I was at the neighborhood pool and someone popped me with a towel so I popped back. Then everyone gathered around the other kid and started calling me mean because he was bleeding. That is how it is in my family. If someone grabs a bb gun you better grab one too or run. If you stand there and say how mean it is or some other junk you will just get shot. When we would wrestle in the house furniture would get knocked over and even the washing machine and dryer would get moved. So this is almost like my family ;D Just much nicer around here. Even my sister is meaner than most people on here :o

Things my family would say: Get over it. Suck it up. Quit your belly aching. Do I need to hit you again? I will give you a reason to to cry.

My boy was five when told his older brother; "That did not hurt. I did not feel a thing." I was so proud of him!

So when you say like a family who's family are you talking about?

Me I am like Ninja. I think it is funny. But I like to jump in just for fun.

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Cristina on April 15, 2011, 10:47:58 am


     I know I have been guilty myself....


    I liked it with the original 2-300 members, however, with that said, I have made some of what I consider great friends, people I would have never met, if it wasn't for ETHD bringing us together.   

Same here! Honestly, dont know what I would do without ETHD, I can live without Facebook BUT I CANT LIVE WITHOUT ETHD!!!! I dont think I can count how many times I have fallen out of my seat laughing at the stuff I read on here!!!

On the other hand, I have learned a lot from this place, I also would not have some of the dogs I have no if it werent for ETHD. To me they are pretty damn good dogs to!  ;D And came from some really good people to!

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Mike on April 15, 2011, 10:59:03 am
I think Circle C said the best... post in a respectful manner.

Getting wadded up and threatening to whip somebody's a$$ is a sure enough ticket out the door.

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: rdjustham on April 15, 2011, 11:08:35 am
I think people get offended too easy, come on its a forum and we all are here because we all love doing the same thing.

I sorta miss the old ETHD where all everyone did was poke fun at each other.

#1 offender here Is the BoarNinja!!!!  ;D

X2  ;D

You know i was just thinking the other day i havent seen any cheerleading pics lately...  :D :D

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Oly on April 15, 2011, 11:23:09 am
"A mind is like a parachute--- it doesn't work unless it’s OPEN"  ;)  ;)  ;)

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: BarrNinja on April 15, 2011, 11:28:04 am
I think people get offended too easy, come on its a forum and we all are here because we all love doing the same thing.

I sorta miss the old ETHD where all everyone did was poke fun at each other.

#1 offender here Is the BoarNinja!!!!  ;D

 :angel: I don't know what you are talking about Cristina  :angel:

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Cristina on April 15, 2011, 11:30:45 am
:angel: I don't know what you are talking about Cristina  :angel:


You know i was just thinking the other day i havent seen any cheerleading pics lately...  :D :D

hahaha I was thinking the same thing, where is ethd number one cheerleader???

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: dub on April 15, 2011, 11:35:22 am
I remember calling someone a cheerleader. He did not get mad but Ninja busted out a picture just to make me look bad! I am so upset... sob... sob... I am over it. That is what makes it all fun. Well except for Ninja being so mean.

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: chainrated on April 15, 2011, 11:36:43 am

You know i was just thinking the other day i havent seen any cheerleading pics lately...  :D :D

Yeah what happened to CheerBay anyway?   ;D

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: pltx ken on April 15, 2011, 11:42:53 am
I may have offended people, but not my intention at all. I guess i have thick skin as well. No matter how bad u down my dogs. If they work for me. Why does it matter what that person thinks. If there finished in my eyes. Why do i care if you think there lightly started. Maybe i meant there finished growing LOL. But really dont let opinions make you mad. Even if they are a bit disrespectful. The person obviously writtting the disrespectful comment had a different opinion, wich he is entitled to have or he would have not replied. Im 22 years old and by no means have done it all or learned everything there is to no, or i would not still be doing it. How can doing something you no everything about and have already experienced be fun. Thats the thing when you hit the woods you NEVER no whats gonna happen. If you say you do your lieing. Just take the comment with a grain of salt from the arrogant no it alls. U know one thing. I have a buddy a really good guy. He calls me youngen. He said, U no youngen I put lots of money and time into these dogs trying to make them the best. There not the best. But they work for me. He said and you no. I could take the credit for how good my dogs are., but im not. He said i showed them what a hog was, but i did not get on my hands and knees and show them how to bark at it or bay it. A man can only do so much to help a dog and from then on its the dogs decision to learn and teach himselve to be the best he can be. He said no man will ever be able to teach a dog what he can teach himselve. All he said he can take credit for is dedicating his time and exposure to hogs in the pen. The rest they learn on there on. When he goes hunting. He never wants credit for what his dogs do. They deserve all the credit. Thats one thing i see and is my opinion about lots of people. They want to much credit for what there dogs do.

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: chainrated on April 15, 2011, 11:43:59 am
I typed out 2 posts but they both sounded like I was being a smart@ss so Im just gonna agree with what dub said (even though he does have one of them dogos) about you better have thick skin around my huntin buddies.    :)

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Reuben on April 15, 2011, 11:44:19 am
"A mind is like a parachute--- it doesn't work unless it’s OPEN"  ;)  ;)  ;)

 :D :)

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: BarrNinja on April 15, 2011, 11:46:33 am
I remember calling someone a cheerleader. He did not get mad but Ninja busted out a picture just to make me look bad! I am so upset... sob... sob... I am over it. That is what makes it all fun. Well except for Ninja being so mean.

Dub, in a respectful manner, I am suggesting that you go piss up a rope.  :angel:

Chainrated, I don't know where he has been lately but some of the best belly laughs I have ever had was watching you two go at it on this board. He sets himself up so nicely don't he?

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Oly on April 15, 2011, 11:47:12 am
pltx Ken----that was a mighty fine post Sir.

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: chainrated on April 15, 2011, 11:57:02 am

Chainrated, I don't know where he has been lately but some of the best belly laughs I have ever had was watching you two go at it on this board. He sets himself up so nicely don't he?

The man hunts blueticks, I mean what more of a setup could you ask for?  :D

Oh wait,  there was that famous pic... LOL

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Scott on April 15, 2011, 12:03:23 pm

Chainrated, I don't know where he has been lately but some of the best belly laughs I have ever had was watching you two go at it on this board. He sets himself up so nicely don't he?

The man hunts blueticks, I mean what more of a setup could you ask for?  :D

Oh wait,  there was that famous pic... LOL


Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: bayed hard hog dogs on April 15, 2011, 12:19:44 pm
well its not really the different opinions...they are being smart and its getting annoying...i can tell the diff between the opinions and being rude.... I see the same guys(not naming names) doing it to everyone...i dont mind actual opinions.
Don't know who you are talking about but alot of us kid and joke around with each other because we know each other and are good friends  ^-^

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: bob on April 15, 2011, 12:51:29 pm
theres a lot to be learnt by other hunters , craig has told me several thing concerning hog hunting being he has a lot more knowledge under his belt than me , I ll  get in a situation that  went bad and what he said would pop in my head and ill feel like a dummy for not taking it to heart , but I am learning to listen very close when given advise from him , but some people already know everything and it aint just hog hunting [life in general] those people are unteachable , I sure dont want to be labeled as one of them

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: sfboarbuster on April 15, 2011, 01:07:54 pm

Chainrated, I don't know where he has been lately but some of the best belly laughs I have ever had was watching you two go at it on this board. He sets himself up so nicely don't he?

The man hunts blueticks, I mean what more of a setup could you ask for?  :D

Oh wait,  there was that famous pic... LOL

He probably figured he would never do better than that last hunt and just gave up ;D

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: dub on April 15, 2011, 01:08:47 pm
Ninja I have been told lots of stuff but I ain't never been told to piss up a rope! Now that is funny.

Diamond I never said I knew more than you. I said someone does. But I would bet I know a little more than you. But not near as much as some guys on here. Shoot I can tell you there is more than one gal on here that knows way more than me.

I have had plenty of humble pie and I eat when I should.

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Circle C on April 15, 2011, 01:19:12 pm
Diamond is longer a member on ethd.

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: t.wilbanks on April 15, 2011, 01:25:19 pm
Rub-a-dub-dub ( dub ) and KarateSow ( BoarNinja )  - both of yall are just a couple of MEANIES!!!!  :D  ;D

If you want to learn something, read a good story, have a good laugh, or get pissed off at some one then ETHD is the place to be!!  ;D

Your going to have your smartasses and know-it-alls where ever you go.

But along with them, you are gonna have the ones that dont know sh!t but pretend they do, and IMO they can be worse, especially in hog doggin... Just check out a few of the videos on Youtube and a very high percentage of the videos that people find offensive or inhumane are going to be mostly by people that have no clue what they are doing, but think they are pros because their dog will bark/bite a hog...  rolleyes

I love ETHD...especially threads like this... it gives me something to do at work!!!  :D

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: t.wilbanks on April 15, 2011, 01:27:52 pm
I love ETHD...especially threads like this... it gives me something to do at work!!!  :D

Diamond is longer a member on ethd.

And then the Moderators want to go and mess that up for me!!! Thanks alot Chris!!!     :D  >:D   J/K!!

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: BarrNinja on April 15, 2011, 02:02:26 pm
Rub-a-dub-dub ( dub ) and KarateSow ( BoarNinja )  - both of yall are just a couple of MEANIES!!!!  :D  ;D

If you want to learn something, read a good story, have a good laugh, or get pissed off at some one then ETHD is the place to be!!  ;D

Your going to have your smartasses and know-it-alls where ever you go.

But along with them, you are gonna have the ones that dont know sh!t but pretend they do, and IMO they can be worse, especially in hog doggin... Just check out a few of the videos on Youtube and a very high percentage of the videos that people find offensive or inhumane are going to be mostly by people that have no clue what they are doing, but think they are pros because their dog will bark/bite a hog...  rolleyes

I love ETHD...especially threads like this... it gives me something to do at work!!!  :D

Yeah but Im only mean to dub and CutterBay!  ;D

We usually only get threads like this when its real hot outside and not many are getting to hunt.

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: t.wilbanks on April 15, 2011, 02:05:53 pm
Rub-a-dub-dub ( dub ) and KarateSow ( BoarNinja )  - both of yall are just a couple of MEANIES!!!!  :D  ;D

If you want to learn something, read a good story, have a good laugh, or get pissed off at some one then ETHD is the place to be!!  ;D

Your going to have your smartasses and know-it-alls where ever you go.

But along with them, you are gonna have the ones that dont know sh!t but pretend they do, and IMO they can be worse, especially in hog doggin... Just check out a few of the videos on Youtube and a very high percentage of the videos that people find offensive or inhumane are going to be mostly by people that have no clue what they are doing, but think they are pros because their dog will bark/bite a hog...  rolleyes

I love ETHD...especially threads like this... it gives me something to do at work!!!  :D

Yeah but Im only mean to dub and CutterBay!  ;D

We usually only get threads like this when its real hot outside and not many are getting to hunt.

Yep, but its not too bad outside yet and we've already had some good threads, so we should have a really good summer!!!   >:D

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Bryant on April 15, 2011, 02:19:36 pm
I've been hanging around here almost since the beginning, and one thing I've figured out over time is that those who know the most are the ones who say the least.  When they do say something, it's usually worth paying attention to.

Hang around a while, and it's pretty easy to figure out who's blowing smoke and who's not.

Nothing irritates me more than people who offer advice and opinions with little if any actual EXPERIENCE to back it up.  Anyone proficient with Google can quickly become an expert!   :o

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: TexasHogDogs on April 15, 2011, 02:24:43 pm
I look at it like this some were there is always better some were if a man are woman looks hard nuff.

Be  like me I could careless how much a man brags on his dogs are pumps them up  good for him give him a gold star if his dogs are as good as he says they are.  Yippie !

As long as my dogs suit me and find me hogs then the way I look at it mine are just as good as anybodies on here.  Put us in the same mirror image place with the same amount of hogs and mine are gonna find them just as fast as his are hers.

Thats Why I don't like hunting in competitions because a lot of times its not how great the dogs are that the man is using its the place that he is hunting that makes the difference and is making him and the dogs look good. This does not mean every time sure there are some great dogs out there but it  happens way more than we might want to think it does.  Put that same man and the same dogs in the places you were hunting and see what happens ,  thats what tells the tell!

I like all the bragging myself its all a great read for sure don't take everything to heart you hear .  You will soon learn its better to just let the chit roll down hill and get out the way and watch the show .

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on April 15, 2011, 02:33:06 pm
I think people get offended too easy, come on its a forum and we all are here because we all love doing the same thing.

I sorta miss the old ETHD where all everyone did was poke fun at each other.

#1 offender here Is the BoarNinja!!!!  ;D

X2  ;D

You know i was just thinking the other day i havent seen any cheerleading pics lately...  :D :D


Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Cristina on April 15, 2011, 02:35:41 pm
We need you to "Cheer" some of us up Cutter  :laugh:

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Tusk Hog on April 15, 2011, 05:18:41 pm
  It all comes down to being publically correct! I've found that being publically correct happens to be an oppinion of someone making the rules. ;)

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: rdjustham on April 15, 2011, 05:19:13 pm
I think people get offended too easy, come on its a forum and we all are here because we all love doing the same thing.

I sorta miss the old ETHD where all everyone did was poke fun at each other.

#1 offender here Is the BoarNinja!!!!  ;D

X2  ;D

You know i was just thinking the other day i havent seen any cheerleading pics lately...  :D :D


Sorry brother couldnt help it.. :)

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Amokabs on April 15, 2011, 08:11:59 pm
This is my first year on this board and trying to start up a little pathetic pack of dogs. But i've raised bulldogs a little while and been on and started a board or two. This board is about as civil as any I've been associated with. You know the folks on here that are hunting buddys by the way they pick at each other. And usually, if someone posts something that makes you think you gotta say something to straighten em out cuz wat they posted sounds a little far fetched, most times,,,everyone posts real respectful then, finally ,, someone will say wat u wanted to say in response, and they may pick a little doing so, but i aint seen nobody be malicious or mean. And the moderators do a great job nipping anything before it gets outta hand. But i learned more on this board,, in fact , when i legged and stuck my first boar, it's crazy how easy it was, i felt like i'd done it once for everytime i've read a hunting post on here. My hats off to this board and all the folks on it.   

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Mike on April 15, 2011, 08:15:36 pm
Thanks Amokabs,

You know, I hear sometimes that we have a lot of drama on here... people this ain't nothing. Y'all need to travel around the internet forums... this is rated G on here. ;D

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: Scott on April 15, 2011, 08:30:52 pm
Thanks Amokabs,

You know, I hear sometimes that we have a lot of drama on here... people this ain't nothing. Y'all need to travel around the internet forums... this is rated G on here. ;D

x2 :P

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: T-Bob Parker on April 15, 2011, 08:41:05 pm
X3 and now that the dust has settled a bit, let me say in hindsight I probably shouldn't have made the comment about the dead dog being "finished" nor should I have posted a childish response when the guy said he would like to shut my mouth for me. People usually don't get under my skin so, I apologize.


Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: chainrated on April 15, 2011, 08:45:48 pm
Thanks Amokabs,

You know, I hear sometimes that we have a lot of drama on here... people this ain't nothing. Y'all need to travel around the internet forums... this is rated G on here. ;D

I can vouch for that....  :)

Title: Re: Not to be rude but...
Post by: tnhillbilly on April 15, 2011, 09:44:32 pm
Thanks Amokabs,

You know, I hear sometimes that we have a lot of drama on here... people this ain't nothing. Y'all need to travel around the internet forums... this is rated G on here. ;D
X2 I have been on some of the other sights before i found this one. I have been on here a day or two now, and do more reading than posting. I hope i have never offended anyone on here, if i have it was not my intentions, I may have tried to be funny a time or two and may have come out or was took the wrong way.  Sometimes things dont always come out like i intend them to. I have never been offended on here yet.
    I dont always agree with everything but i agree to dissagree, and understand that we all have our own way of doing things, likes and dislikes.
    I have really enjoyed and appreciated all the help, and info. So far this is the most respectful sight that i have found, and consider you all friends.