HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: Bowsafari on April 20, 2011, 01:15:09 pm

Title: SE Oklahoma 2011 Ham Jam (Dog tournament rules)
Post by: Bowsafari on April 20, 2011, 01:15:09 pm
Ok guys. Figured I would start a new post. Ok here is the beginning of the rules for the tournament. April the 27th (Friday) all teams need to try to be here by noon to get signed up. Entry fee is $200 a team that consists of 4 guys. The 4th guy on the team will be a rover, which means he will get swapped to an opposing team. This idea has been run by several teams and all of them thought that would be the best way to keep things fair. All teams need to be present and paid in and we will have our meeting and get everyone on their way as quickly as possible so you will have ample time to hunt and transport. Teams will have a 4 Bay dog limit and 2 Catch dog limit. All state laws must be followed, you guys know the rules!        The purse for 1st place big hog will pay $1000 cash. If you catch multiple hogs don't turn them loose we wil try to purchase them from you. All hogs must be alive or they will not count. Weigh in will Start at 4 PM Saturday May 28th and we will allow you to be as late as 6 PM in case of guys running late.. That gives you 28 hours to get your stuff done. Then after the weigh in will be the concert where we will announce the winners of the tournament. Also remember all day Saturday is also the main event of the week nincluding the trade day (people can set up booths to buy sell and trade dog, mules, horses, hunting and outdoor gear or just whatever!) $20 per spot. Any questions or ideas or comments please call me @580-310-2721 our website is huntbowsafari.com and the Ham Jam flyer can be printed off of the news section of the web site. Thanks and let me know if you are coming.

Title: Re: SE Oklahoma 2011 Ham Jam (Dog tournament rules)
Post by: oklahoma hogger on April 20, 2011, 08:36:41 pm
Wish i could but i dont get paid till the first...but ille be thier to see the winners :)

Title: Re: SE Oklahoma 2011 Ham Jam (Dog tournament rules)
Post by: bayed hard hog dogs on April 20, 2011, 09:34:26 pm
Hey bud this is Coal i talked to you on the phone today thought i would put this up so you would think on it ....... If it is a four man team and one guy has to go with another team does that guy get to bring his dogs ?  And if not which team does he win on the one he is signed up with or the team he is hunting with ?  And what if the guy's he is hunting with want to hunt all night and he don't what will he do ? And alot of the reason we hunt with the people we hunt with is because we trust them not to go back to are best spots.   Is there gonna be a total lbs winner or just a big hog ? Is the 4 bay dogs and 2 cd per team or each person ? Just some of the things we talked about today and you ask me to post them so the other guy's could see hope this will help when answered.                                                                                                                                                                 thanks Coal

Title: Re: SE Oklahoma 2011 Ham Jam (Dog tournament rules)
Post by: coyote hunter on April 21, 2011, 07:40:07 am
ahh spencer  u wouldnt win anyway  this a hog tourney  not a dillo contest  haha   how u been man  aint heard from u in awhile  what ya been up too

Title: Re: SE Oklahoma 2011 Ham Jam (Dog tournament rules)
Post by: oklahoma hogger on April 21, 2011, 09:40:59 am
Lol you probably shouldn't of posted that cause their are ladies and kids that read these boards...

Title: Re: SE Oklahoma 2011 Ham Jam (Dog tournament rules)
Post by: Bowsafari on April 23, 2011, 01:15:22 pm
Any of you guys getting in? $1000 prize is pretty good for one big hog. Let me know 580-310-2721 Keith

Title: Re: SE Oklahoma 2011 Ham Jam (Dog tournament rules)
Post by: M Bennet on April 24, 2011, 01:34:47 am
i would do this if i had a team . any body need a guy, i have a?if you hunt in tx how do we get are hog to you with out breaking any federal laws or do we all have to hunt okl

Title: Re: SE Oklahoma 2011 Ham Jam (Dog tournament rules)
Post by: Bowsafari on April 24, 2011, 07:22:55 pm
Monty, the only legal way is to hunt in Oklahoma

Title: Re: SE Oklahoma 2011 Ham Jam (Dog tournament rules)
Post by: Bowsafari on April 25, 2011, 11:42:30 am
How bout it guys? We got to start getting a count on how many entries theres gonna be. Need everyone to send a $50 deposit asap. Thanks  give me a call. 580-310-2721  Keith West

Title: Re: SE Oklahoma 2011 Ham Jam (Dog tournament rules)
Post by: Bowsafari on April 26, 2011, 02:52:13 pm
Sorry Mike. Didnt know which section to be in. We were having a bay comp but waiting till next year. Just a dog tourny this year.

Title: Re: SE Oklahoma 2011 Ham Jam (Dog tournament rules)
Post by: Oklahoma on April 28, 2011, 03:56:44 am
Are you going to respond to bayed hards questions

Title: Re: SE Oklahoma 2011 Ham Jam (Dog tournament rules)
Post by: Bowsafari on April 28, 2011, 04:25:30 pm
Sorry guys we have been overlooking this post for a couple days. Ok, the 4th man (the rover) is still going to be your teamate. He is going to make sure that there is no cheating. Everyone will have a rover, observer or whatever you want to call him. If he comes to the competition he better be ready to hunt. If he gets tired and don't want to hunt then I guess he will have to set in the truck. There is a big cash prize involved so hopefully everyone will do there part. You may take more dogs but no more than 4 bay dogs and 2 catch dogs on the ground hunting at any time. And the prize will go to the biggest hog weighed in alive. All other hogs you catch we would like to buy from you as lond as they aren't chewed up and going to die. If you plan on entering we need to get every team to send a $50 deposit ASAP. This will help us see how many entries we are going to have. Its going to be here before we know it so we need to get the ball rolling.

Title: Re: SE Oklahoma 2011 Ham Jam (Dog tournament rules)
Post by: Bowsafari on May 06, 2011, 08:47:37 pm
Hey guys its getting closer. Let me know if you are coming!!! I need a count on teams so we can see what we got.

Title: Re: SE Oklahoma 2011 Ham Jam (Dog tournament rules)
Post by: Bowsafari on May 07, 2011, 07:55:11 am

Title: Re: SE Oklahoma 2011 Ham Jam (Dog tournament rules)
Post by: Bowsafari on May 08, 2011, 09:20:52 am

Title: Re: SE Oklahoma 2011 Ham Jam (Dog tournament rules)
Post by: Bowsafari on May 09, 2011, 09:23:08 pm
19 Days till the tournament. I sure need a count on who all is coming. You guys give me a call if you are going to enter. 580-310-2721 Thanks Keith

Title: Re: SE Oklahoma 2011 Ham Jam (Dog tournament rules)
Post by: Bowsafari on May 12, 2011, 10:24:53 pm

Title: Re: SE Oklahoma 2011 Ham Jam (Dog tournament rules)
Post by: Oklahoma on May 26, 2011, 07:36:07 am
Anybody going to go  to this