Title: Three dogs Post by: hogdog9 on April 21, 2011, 03:40:46 pm Ive three dogs im parting with. One is a full blood male catahoula that i think VERY HIGH of....he is a blue cat with double glass eyes 7 yrs old.....he has all the hunt he had in him at 1yr old.....He is the perfect dog to train young pups with. He usually hunts out 200-500 yards at ALL TIMES....he constantly has his nose in the air or on the ground 600.00 FIRM on him.........2nd is a full blood walker gyp that is a .......HUNTER......She is CONSTANTLY out from under ur feet looking for pigs, if she dont find a pig she will find something to chase or bay, she just started barking on track just resently and ive shocked her off of things but she still does....Ill take 600.00 for her also.....last is a bmc/plott he is more of a help dog but grittier then alot of other dogs.....he usually barks 2 or 3 times at a pig then catches no matter what size it is....He is always locked on with the catch dogs...(YOU HAVE TO RUN A VEST ON HIM) 400.00
Take all for 1400.00 might do some trading...... Josh SE OKLAHOMA 580-565-9334 milburn909@yahoo.com |