Title: I NEED HELP WITH FLIES!!!! Post by: rdjustham on May 03, 2011, 07:20:32 am Seems this year is worse than last and the black flies/biting flies are tearing my dogs up. I dont have one with its ears still intact. Ive tried everything i can think of. Ive put lime around the kennels, hung those fly traps but i just think they are bringing more in. I pulled the dogs out the other night and used one of them outdoor fog machines with fly killer, sprayed the dogs with bronco and then with fly off.. My dogs dont wanna come out of their barrels and my finished dog aint hardly eating, and i got a gyp fixin to drop pups.. HELP!!!!
Title: Re: I NEED HELP WITH FLIES!!!! Post by: Purebreedcolt on May 03, 2011, 07:53:50 am U can put in a mist system with permerithin and it won't hurt ur dogs will cost a little to do but if it is that bad might be worth it
Title: Re: I NEED HELP WITH FLIES!!!! Post by: Purebreedcolt on May 03, 2011, 07:58:27 am Might msg tbob parker he installs systems for a living he could probally help
Title: Re: I NEED HELP WITH FLIES!!!! Post by: T-Bob Parker on May 03, 2011, 08:14:36 am Thanks, and yeah you won't have flies, mosquitoes, fleas, ticks or really anything else that bugs you. For kennels their not that expensive at all. And you can buy your own chemical at most feed stores. Not only will it enhance your dogs quality of life, but if your dogs are at your house, it will keep your yard bug free as well.
Title: Re: I NEED HELP WITH FLIES!!!! Post by: rdjustham on May 03, 2011, 08:38:14 am T Bob any idea where i can buy one or what do i need to build one?
Title: Re: I NEED HELP WITH FLIES!!!! Post by: T-Bob Parker on May 03, 2011, 09:13:16 am Alot of feed stores sell piranha fly systems, their pretty good but depending on where your from, I can sell you one and have it professionally installed plus your first fill up for 1500 that's a 55 gallon system with up to twenty nozzles.
832-715-7230 Title: Re: I NEED HELP WITH FLIES!!!! Post by: T-Bob Parker on May 03, 2011, 09:29:38 am The difference between what I sell and the ones you buy at the feed store is big, but the main difference is a in drum mixer. A regular fly system will do a decent job on flying insects, but if you want to kill everything down to mange mites, you need an agitated system. This will allow you to spray stuff like Sevin, Tengard, all pyrethrums and other chemicals that you can't effectively spray from other systems.
Less complicated systems I can sell for less, just call if you got any questions Title: Re: I NEED HELP WITH FLIES!!!! Post by: redtick23 on May 03, 2011, 09:29:47 am I have seen them in cutting horse barns and there was not a fly any where around all the horse were just as relaxed as they could be I think it would be money saved in the long run to have one on your kennels
Title: Re: I NEED HELP WITH FLIES!!!! Post by: rdjustham on May 03, 2011, 09:37:37 am T-Bob i appreciate the suggestion but i cant spend that kind of dough right now.. Anybody have any other and by other i mean cheaper ;) suggestions?
Title: Re: I NEED HELP WITH FLIES!!!! Post by: sfboarbuster on May 03, 2011, 09:53:08 am They have the automatic fly sprayers at tractor supply, i've had pretty good luck with them. They are around $50
Title: Re: I NEED HELP WITH FLIES!!!! Post by: T-Bob Parker on May 03, 2011, 09:55:26 am No problem, I feel ya ;)
Title: Re: I NEED HELP WITH FLIES!!!! Post by: Milam County Hog Hunter on May 03, 2011, 11:56:07 am i have used python dust it is a fly powder for cattle and a spray called endure by farnham has worked well for me as well
Title: Re: I NEED HELP WITH FLIES!!!! Post by: Amokabs on May 03, 2011, 02:11:31 pm Try Endure spray from Farnham . I started spraying dogs in march, aint got no fly bites fleas or ticks, its better than about anything i've tried so far.
Title: Re: I NEED HELP WITH FLIES!!!! Post by: tmatt on May 03, 2011, 02:54:51 pm I have horses, dogs, and chickens and the best thing I have found for flies isn't even a chemical, it's a bug. Check out Scalding labs fly predators. They work by killing the fly in the larvae stage. Just Google fly predators. There are a couple of different companies that sell fly predators but in my opinion Scalding has the best combination. They only kill flies and don't bother anything else.
Title: Re: I NEED HELP WITH FLIES!!!! Post by: curdawgs on May 03, 2011, 03:44:55 pm I use endure but if your dogs ears are already tore up then you have to put vaseline or shortening (yes that you cook with) on the affected area and smear it all over the ear everyday untill you get them healed up to use soemthign liek endure.
Title: Re: I NEED HELP WITH FLIES!!!! Post by: aladatrot on May 04, 2011, 08:26:31 am You may be onto something with the endure. It has residual effectiveness. Are we talking regular black barn flies or are we talking little black horn flies like you see on cattle?
Cheers M Title: Re: I NEED HELP WITH FLIES!!!! Post by: rdjustham on May 04, 2011, 02:49:23 pm You may be onto something with the endure. It has residual effectiveness. Are we talking regular black barn flies or are we talking little black horn flies like you see on cattle? Cheers M Black flies. |