HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: fishing_bobo on May 03, 2011, 10:23:13 pm

Title: First hog with dogs
Post by: fishing_bobo on May 03, 2011, 10:23:13 pm
<a href="http://s1229.photobucket.com/albums/ee478/fishing_bobo/?action=view&current=ba1d5ca6.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1229.photobucket.com/albums/ee478/fishing_bobo/ba1d5ca6.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos" />[/url]

Title: Re: First hog with dogs
Post by: tnhillbilly on May 04, 2011, 12:28:44 am
Nice hog

Title: Re: First hog with dogs
Post by: txhogsanddogs on May 04, 2011, 01:25:07 am
Good hog.  IS that a barr? 

Title: Re: First hog with dogs
Post by: SwineHunter on May 04, 2011, 10:29:04 am
good job keep it up

Title: Re: First hog with dogs
Post by: fishing_bobo on May 04, 2011, 04:53:23 pm
Ya it's a Barr hog.