THE CLASSIFIEDS => THE DOG TRADE => Topic started by: Dexter on January 10, 2009, 12:09:59 pm

Title: NALC Catahoula Puppies
Post by: Dexter on January 10, 2009, 12:09:59 pm
them males the one in the middle is going to Mr Mason,the far right is stay here (http://boards.tx-outdoors.com/photo_albums/sendbinary_large.asp?filename=101_2854.JPG&user=Dexter)heres the females all avalible at this time(http://boards.tx-outdoors.com/photo_albums/sendbinary_large.asp?filename=101_2829.JPG&user=Dexter) heres the black ones out of the second litter(http://boards.tx-outdoors.com/photo_albums/sendbinary_large.asp?filename=101_2808.JPG&user=Dexter) next is the merel females second litter(http://boards.tx-outdoors.com/photo_albums/sendbinary_large.asp?filename=101_2823.JPG&user=Dexter)........ the solids are 200 and the merels and patchs are 400
 thanks dexter

Title: Re: NALC Catahoula Puppies
Post by: Dexter on January 11, 2009, 03:49:46 pm
all the male from the top picture have been spoken for,thanks  for all the intrest in these dogs still have 6 females left and all the second litter,
  thanks again  Justin(left pup),Mr Mason(middle pup), and the  right pup is staying home,,
 these will be  larger catahoulas