Title: 1968 Lincoln sa 200 redface reduced Post by: hoghunter76225 on May 05, 2011, 09:13:13 pm I have a 68 redface for sale that has been 100% rebuilt. It would make a great everyday welder I haunt seen very few machines in as good of shape as this one is that are this old. All of the rebuild was done by bills welder repair in Oklahoma city ok. The machine prolly has less than 125 hrs on it since the build it has all of the upgrades done to it it is wired for a cable box remote. I have all of the paperwork to prove what was done to it it has a few dents an dings but still a really nice machine it has a hole in the radiator that I did when unloading it. I have right around 7000 invested in this beauty my loss is ur gain I would take 4000 obo the machine is in alvord tx my email is hoghunter76225@yahoo.com my number is 9403894582 thank you