Title: Swollen testicle help Post by: hank on January 11, 2009, 02:59:01 pm I went hunting last night and noticed that Ringo was not hunting like usual. He has been pretty sluggish today. I was looking him over and noticed that one of his testicles was twice the size of the other and hard as a rock. He is still eating. I haven't taken his temp yet. My wife is picking up a thermometer. I gave him Penicillin this morning.
What do you guys think? Testicular torsion? Testicular infection? I guess I wouldn't hunt if my testicle looked like that either. Title: Re: Swollen testicle help Post by: hank on January 11, 2009, 03:26:05 pm Temp is 103.5 rectal
Can dogs have tylenol for fever reduction? Title: Re: Swollen testicle help Post by: Mike on January 11, 2009, 04:48:00 pm Get him to the vet asap. I had three dogs get swine brucellosois several years back... same exact thing you're describing. They'll have to pull blood and have it tested.
One of mine pulled through after three months of antibiotics, but two of them ended up getting neutered. Title: Re: Swollen testicle help Post by: hank on January 12, 2009, 08:59:58 pm Doc said that it was very likely brucellosis. He said that is was cheaper to just treat it like it was than to do all of the tests to find out for sure. So he gave me antibiotics and said that if the swelling hadn't gone down in a week to come back.
Keepin my fingers crossed for my Ringo's boys. Hank He did mention that it could be passed on through breeding. Mike Do you know if that is only now while he has the symptoms? I don't want to breed him now, but possibly in a couple years. Do you know if this will be a problem? Hank Title: Re: Swollen testicle help Post by: Mike on January 12, 2009, 09:09:15 pm I bred the one that pulled through about a year later with no problems.
At first, the vet thought it was canine brucellosis, but after two lab tests it turned out to be swine. I had to give tetracycline, two times a day, for 30 days. The swelling would go away, but about a week after the treatment, it would come back. Did this for three months. Good luck and I hope he pulls through. Title: Re: Swollen testicle help Post by: hank on January 13, 2009, 03:49:43 pm Swelling is almost gone today and he is feelin pretty good. Hopefully it doesn't come back like it did for Mike.
Title: Re: Swollen testicle help Post by: hank on January 23, 2009, 07:17:14 am Swelling came back ,so a couple of days ago the vet decided that we should cut it off. After removing it he decided that it wasn't brucellosis. He said it was a bad infection that looked like it started in the epididimus. He seems to be better now and still has one nut so we are good for now.
Hank Title: Re: Swollen testicle help Post by: got2catchem on January 30, 2009, 10:26:17 am I reckon one is better than none ;D